
Friday, November 30, 2007

Hand made Holiday Cards

From the art show we went to today, which I talk about below this post.

Hand made holiday cards by Terry Busse
Painting Dog Studio
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  1. These are really cute and imaginative. I love the bright color's he uses. I bet his other stuff is wonderful too.
    I posted my last bird drawing of the November AEDM. Not my last one tho. They are much to fun to do. Wish I could get imaginative in my drawings like these tho.
    Glad you had a great day with the Artists. :)

  2. oh and a song kept running thru my head while looking at these "Don't let the rain come down"..about a crooked little man who lived in a crooked little house with his crooked cat and mouse...these fit so well to that song. lol

  3. This artist was a woman Cris. Hard to tell by the name I know.
    She also had some really cute fabric collages. I was so bummed that I left my camera at home. Drats!

  4. these are so much better than unreal robins sitting on unreal holly branches.

  5. Little works of art to receive in the mail - gifts all by themselves. And I hope they are welcomed and treasured by the recipients.

  6. Bummer.. where is that camera when you need it??

  7. Love these little serendipitous cards. Nice colors and painting style. I sometimes think of designing holiday cards but my brain is so brainwashed with traditional images I can rarely come up with anything new. My best was a peace card with Buddhist style peace flag strung across the front in different papers. But that took a lot of time to make and I sold them in the original not copies. I assume these cards are copies of the original painting?

    Holiday cards are hard too as if they are handmade they will cost say 2.50 or $3.00 and up and folks can go into Walmart type place and buy a whole box of cards for the same price. If you intend to send out lots of cards it's hard to do it with handmade cards expense wise. I am just babbling here from the perspective of card maker which I was for quite a # of years.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!