
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Listen to the thunder under your feet...

Normally, one would not expect to see a herd of buffalo in the Mendocino/Fort Bragg area...
but you know from trips we've taken cross country that we are always excited when we
come across a herd of bison crossing our paths on the road...
and this herd of hundreds was no exception...
Okay, I couldn't fool Henry either...
It's just a bunch of little rubber toy buffalo DH found at the stationary store in FB.
But if you listen very carefully I bet you can hear their thunderous hoof beats on the plains.
Happy Animal Wednesday!
If you would like to see some awesome animal and other views check this out: HERE
&&&& PS: More good sales news...I got another check in the mail from the Pence Gallery in Davis, CA.
My little quilted pocketbooks have sold there (three big ones and 2 small ones) with only one of each left. I am pleasantly surprised!


  1. LOL!! Too funny. But you had me fooled. HAHAHA!

  2. Okay, I thought--Wow, how cool this must be--all we get around here are deer. You should have kept the fantasy going :)
    Congratulations on your sales!--I love that we can create things to offer to people who really appreciate the workmanship.

  3. I thought the bison were in a painting at first. Then I thought it might be a diorama. Henry has to keep his eye on you. Congrats on the sales. Everyone likes art they can use. HAW.

  4. Congrats on the sales! That's so cool. Well done

  5. LOL! Well, you totally fooled me!!! Congrats on your sales, Lynn! Nice to know that your work is loved and appreciated. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. They DO look real and picturesque.
    Hi Henry!


  7. The background (for me) gave it away!! But the bison do look real.

    Henry is too wise to be fooled!

    By the way, my Grand Niece loved her one pocket that I gave her last Sunday. I put a Border's gift card inside ;)

    Congrats on the sales, and NO, I'm not surprised. Your work is wonderful!!

  8. Well you had me going for a split second. I was wondering where you had watery sand. lol Don't you know Trix are for kids??? lol Congrats on the sales. People love hand made whimscial things.

  9. Oh that Henry! Your caption is PURRFECT!

    I am not surprised your work is selling - it's wonderful!

    The Bison? Too funny......(you know there are real bison at GG Park)!



    ♥ Robin ♥

  10. Congrats on the Pence Gallery sales. That is so cool.

    And the buffalo--the way you had them photographed, I thought that at first you had been to see a watercolor exhibit of bison at the Mendocino Art Center. Fun!

  11. Poor Old Henry, so patient with his silly Mom !
    Congrats on the sales news !
    Have a great Wednesday !

  12. Lolo, so happy to hear your neice loved her little pocket I made! So glad...a fun gift card holder. Wonder how she'll use it from now on?

    Robin, I am not sure I"ve seen bison in GG Park. We'll have to go in search of them.

    Learned today none of my pockets sold at the local gallery even when they reduced prices for the holidays. Interesting that in one town they did so well and not in another. ???

  13. You really had me goin on this one!!! I was trying to envision how they got there and why, and ...on and on and on...and then you came clean!!! Good one!!!

    Congrats on your pocketbooks selling!!! Yeah!!!

  14. Ahh that Henry! Yes he should sleep in peace!
    Congrats on your sales!
    The video was awesome!

    Have a nice day♥

  15. Geez, Lynn! I thought you had taken another trip! They do look real! Very funny.

  16. Yes, I'm late, but I knew right away they weren't REAL buffalo. I live in buffalo country and saw some over the Christmas holiday. But Henry sure knew. Cats are smart like that (grin).


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