
Saturday, January 22, 2011

More Baby News: Good!!!!

Click here to see video: Watch this!
Today my son sent a live video of the most recent ultra sound of our "grand baby". I could hear the doctor pointing out "the brain ("big, smart baby" he said); I could hear the heart beat, "normal-good"; I could see eye sockets, nasal passages, chin, mouth, arms, legs, fingers, toes, belly, cord. Doc. said there was plenty of fluid around the sack; He said "it all looks good". All was as they hoped it would be. I could hear my daughter in law exclaiming her joy, her "omigods" at all she was seeing! It's her first child. What a joy to see and hear this. The baby was indeed waving at us.
I am mind boggled by this modern technology. It did not exist for my pregnancies 40 + years ago of course. So this is very exciting.
Thanks for sharing in our joy, sorrow and more joy!!!


  1. Lynn,

    That is fantastic news indeed....

  2. How wonderful modern technology is to be able to have the assurance that everything is as it should be and that the baby is healthy and growing (and smart!) :)

  3. Absolutely delighted with this news!

    The ultrasounds are utterly fascinating, aren't they?
    And you already KNEW this baby would be smart, right?

  4. Oh how wonderful! Those ultrasounds really make it so exciting, it's magical!
    Congratulations to you and your growing family! :)

  5. Yipee! Such great reassurance that all is well! Take care of that lovely mother-to-be!

  6. Isn't modern technology amazing? Best of luck the rest of the way.

  7. So pleased for you all
    Take care

  8. Terrific news! But I thought they had twins previously.
    Who are the parents of your twin grandkids?

  9. This brought tears to my eyes seeing the miracle of modern technology and the miracle of life meeting up together. Like you said 40 years ago we didn't have all this. Here's to a healthy happy new baby this year.

  10. Thanks everyone for sharing in my joy!

    Lolo, my daughter has the now six year old twins.
    This new pregnancy is my son and his wifes!!! My son has two children from a previous marriage, now age 17 and 20. His new wife has never had a child. This will be her first. This pregnancy had two babies to start but one died.
    I hope this helps you sort out the twin confusion.

  11. I can hear those "omigods" too ... It seems like yesterday I was saying mine at the dr.s office too ... Technology or not, the wonder is the same :)

  12. I'll pass on watching the video, if you don't mind, but I'm really very happy for you! I know you're so excited and are looking forward to another addition to your family. Congrats.

  13. Oh this is good news Lynn!
    The greatest gift is that they are healthy and doing well.
    I know you will enjoy this!

    Have a nice day!

  14. I am so happy that this baby is doing A-OK!!! Sounds like super good, eh??? Yeahhhhh!!!

  15. So pleased to hear that all is well!

  16. Congrats! All is well and everyone is happy.


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