
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Family Time in Art and Love in Stockton, CA

On Friday we went to Stockton to visit my 94 year old Uncle Harry and Aunt Mimi. It was EXTRA special because their daughter, my cousin, was visiting from Colorado, and was there with her daughter, and the daughters' two daughters (the little girls seen in this photo drawing/painting with me).

I drew them, and Lyla (age 6), drew flowers, sunsets and birds!
Hadly drew abstracts!

Here's my rendition of Lyla drawing flowers, Hadly painting too, and their Grandma looking on.

My cousin Judy came in from Sacramento too. It was a fun cousin filled day!
An another younger generation cousin, Debra, came from SF.

I brought them all copies of my Vacaville Magazine article. (If you haven't already seen it you can see it online at

I love the LOVE in our family! Our elders are wonderful role models.

No one told me I was to wear stripes! But hey, my pants had very narrow pen stripes!

I'm the eldest of the three (in the center). We are all young at heart!
(I just noticed that Barb, on the left, is standing in front of her little girl photo)
I'll share this with Sunday Sketchers, and you can reach that blog
via the icon on my sidebar.
Thanks for your comments, they mean a lot!

If you missed my plea for prayers/positive healing wishes, for my best friend, Patty, in my previous post, you can see what I made her there and leave your prayers here or there, it doesn't matter;
but sending them will help in her healing I have no doubt and will be MUCH APPRECIATED!

Thank YOU!


  1. What a fun filled time with the cousins. We've cousins that we catch up with from time to time, it's always great to see them. Lovely to see you painting with the little girls, they look very serious about it too....young artists in the making :)

  2. you all look fantastic! what a wonderful reunion, you are blessed! nice paintings too.

  3. Looks like lots of fun going on. You are the Art teacher of the Young. :) Love your drawings too.

  4. We all love Mimi and Harry and lovely to see your cousins.

  5. Thank you for sharing your drawings and the photos, it was obviously a very special time. Hugs Annette x

  6. Beautiful post, packed with love, made me truly smile. Thank you for sharing with us.

  7. What a memorable trip and love that you've captured the moments in your art! Beautiful!

  8. Your journals are very fun and lively. Wonderful and precious work.

  9. What a special time for all of you. So wonderful that you were able to capture in your own special way. Thank you for sharing with us.

  10. Brilliant post, love family get togethers especially when there is magic art moments. A real treasure... :)x

  11. art is such a wonderful way to share with our family and friends. you all look so absorbed in your art time. love that.
    your sketch is wonderful too ~

  12. The photos of the hands is wonderful, young and old, loving. Also love the photo of you painting with the girls on the floor and your journal pages too.

  13. Thank you for sharing this wonderful moments in photo and drawing. It looks so peaceful and so full of heart!


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!