
Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Artful Week!

 Last week I got a letter from my doctor to go have a mammogram re-done! No one wants to hear this kind of news. But I went, and waited in the waiting room drawing others waiting for their tests, treatments, etc. in radiology! Having a best friend dealing with cancer weighed heavily on my mind, wondering if my turn was next.

The suspense grew as I found I'd been sent to the wrong clinic and had to travel thirty miles more to the right clinic for the exam.

But after the "Squeezing" and waiting, the radiologist came in and explained that the test was due to "dense breasts" and old calcification, but everything was BENIGN! In fact, she said, it looked even MORE BENIGN than it looked in 2005! Sigh, relief. I wish everyone I knew could get that kind of news!

From there we drove over to Patty's house. I had a little gift for her. Her DIL came out to inform me that Patty was dozing; and still did not want visitors. It's hard not being able to SEE ones very best friend, but that is Patty's wishes and I respect them. Who knows how I'd feel in the same condition/circumstances?

Meanwhile, back at home, I had lunch and drew at The Pure Grain Bakery, where lots of folks were waiting for lunch and being on their SMART phones!

And to mix things up a bit the next day I had my veggie burrito bowl with grilled vegetables at Tacos Jalisco and so did they!

We've really been blessed with lots of Grand kid time this month. We saw our three in Portland, Oregon on our vacation, (to be seen in earlier posts this month) and more recently spent a day and a night with our twin grand kids (age 8 soon to be 9) here in the Bay Area. We had a sleep over at their house!!!

And guess who showed up at Tacos Jalisco just the other day? Do you recognize "The Couple" from my book "One Fish Taco and Half an Order of Guacamole A Year of Drawing over Lunch at Tacos Jalisco" ? See book via the icon on my side bar if you haven't already! He always has his arm around her!

And the next day I was back. TJ's is very close to my office, and I had to get back early for a new client, so I chose to stay close. Hey, grilled veggies are very healthy, fall within the norm for my vegan diet, and are delicious! So did not mind eating it twice in one week. And I might even or probably will go back today for more!

Have a wonderful week. Eat well, get plenty of rest, play hard, love deeply, enjoy every minute of your life! It's a precious gift, don't you agree?

Hop over to Paint Party Friday (via icon on my side bar too) to see all the great artists who post there each week! And thanks for coming here and leaving your comments. It is you and that that keeps me drawing! Really!!!!

Previous Posts of interest this past week: Our vacation photos from Oregon; Sam's house; Patty's Book. Just scroll down to see more!


  1. I am so happy you don't have to deal with a "C". It is a scary thing to even contemplate. A few years ago I was told by one dr I had ovarian cancer but got a second opinion. I think I know your feeling of relief as I was given an all clear by the second dr. Have a great weekend.

  2. Glad your test results were okay...pHeW! still, at least they were observant enough to realise they wanted to see you again, that is very good and shows their efficiency.

  3. Lynn - I just adore your artistic style! It's how I often see scenes in my mind's eye but my execution gets all muddled up! As far as the mammogram goes, I'm glad you are ok - I just had to have my "left one" re-done but everything was fine. A little un-nerving and certainly uncomfortable to have it done that's for sure!

  4. Whew, thanks goodness, huge sigh of relief, specially as dear Patty is so ill. Love the art about the grands. Happy you are enjoying the heat.

  5. I know we all are happy to hear the end results were good. You got some good art out of it. :) all wonderful pieces you have done with stories to go with them too. Still wishing Patty to get well soon. I know how much you miss her.

  6. Happy to hear your tests went well, very nerve wracking. Lovely sketches this week anyway!

  7. glad it turned out ok for you, re: tests. Sending prayers for Patty.

  8. Wow, Lynn, you are amazing. You are able to sketch in every kind of situation. Your paintings are fabulous as always. I'm so glad your mamma are ok. What a scare!

  9. Glad you are OK. Loving all of your art.

  10. I am so glad that your mammogram turned out ok. Yes,the word benign does have a beautiful sound when you hear it.

    I am always amazed at how much you can sketch each week. You capture so many wonderful details. I love looking at your work.

  11. Hi Lynn. Tomorrow I go for my appt. and am not looking forward to it. A mammo and a chest xray on the same day. boo hiss. :( Love your drawings and glad your tests went well. We all breathe a sigh of relief when they say all is okay. Great job as always. Take care and on with life.:)

  12. wonderful that your mammogram is o.k. and that you can make such great sketchings in every situation of life -- this is a wonderful talent!
    Happy PPF!

  13. Glad to hear your test was good. Glad to hear you've spent time with your grandkids, because they will treasure the memories for life. As always, your lively artwork is very inspiring. Blessings, my friend!

  14. Lovely work, and happy for your good news. Valerie

  15. Every time I come to your blog, I get this intense cravings of tacos... go figure! lol
    Great illustrations, and great news to hear!

  16. That must've been such a relief! It seems as if your paintings are becoming brighter every time. love the colours!

  17. That's such a relief for you Lynn, I'm sure. Great illustration detailing your week, as always.

  18. Loads of lovely are love the ones with dh and the kids, also the couple!! Do the colors reflect your mood? So sorry you weren't able to see Patty... I'm sure it was a huge disappointment. Still praying for her!! Glad your mammogram was negative that was great news!

    Hugs Giggles

  19. The scary mail you got reminds me of once we got a similar letter from our doctor about our son to get him rechecked. He was only one year at the time and I was terrified, but it turned out well in the end.
    Yes we have to hone our lives be good to those around us and to ourselves. I just wish I could dedicate more time to my family/children!

    Happy PPF and all the best for you and blessings for your friend!
    Ilona xx

  20. Terrific pages and great news on the mammogram. Happy PPF, Annette x

  21. Great news and love your pages. HPPF!

  22. Hi Lynn! Love that you had GOOD news to share about your mammogram re-do. Nothing like having to repeat THAT process...been there done that, scary stuff. It amazes me that you can sketch during such crazy situations. Love your sketches and appreciate you sharing your personal thoughts with us. Still praying for Patty swift recovery and that she will soon be able to visit with you. ((hugs)) to you! So happy for the good news.

  23. So very glad it was good news, Lynn! Keep up the positive thoughts and activities!


  24. Glad the news was all good, but sad for your friend... and I was thinking of you as i sat in a waiting room this week doing a few sketches of my own... it is rare that I will sketch in public but I thought of you and gave it a shot.... it did help pass the anxious wait... xx

    1. Glad it helped Tracey. I wish you'd gotten the same new I got. Oh how I wish it. Hugs!!!!

  25. Lynn - I have had that happen to me and several tests later they came to the same conclusion as yours. I am glad for your good news. I love all your sketches and it seems that you are getting bolder in your color choices. I love the colors and all the wonderful people you capture in your sketches. I pray that soon your best friend Patty will feel up to a visit.

  26. Oh, I especially love the drawing of the grandkids. Always so much inspiration here, Lynn!

  27. So glad that your "dense breasts" look good. I've been avoiding my next mammogram because--I don't even know why. I stopped taking my antidepressants for six weeks and now I'm really struggling. When I went back to dr to get meds straightened out, he mentioned the mammogram that he's been bugging me about for a couple of years--we talked about it, and he just wrote on my chart what I finally said to him--I'm just not able to do it now.

    Hope you get to see your friend soon.

    Happy PPF!

  28. Happy that you are ok.. I love seeing your sketches, thye bring your adventures to life,

  29. What fantastic work Lynn! I am so glad your test was benign. It must be the vegan diet you very healthy indeed. Did you write a book? I'm curious now...and...if that is the pic you sketched while waiting for your tests...wowwwww! You are stellar Ms. Lynn! My heart went out to you when I was first reading...phew. I love the sketch with the girl with the hole in her blue jean knew. You don't seem to miss a personality detail. I also love the grilled veggie one and the work client one (the man with the beard.) There is no fav for me...they each tell a wonderful story! Thanks for that...a joy to read and see. HeArtfully Yours, Samara xox

    1. Thanks Samara and welcome. Yes, I wrote a book about drawing in public last year, something I continue to do as you can see. You can see a preview of it on Blurb Books via the icon on my sidebar.

      Glad you enjoy my tid bits of life in my drawings.

      I do hope you will come visit here again.

  30. I think it's so great that you have sketching to comfort you in all situations. And great news. Your lunches sound wonderful and a lot like mine, I'm also vegan.

  31. Your work is evolving...I see stronger colors and lines! LOVE IT!! Hang in there with your friend. My MIL lost a few when she was sick with stomach cancer. :( She was so sad but the good ones always hang in there and understand. Love to read your posts. Thanks for sharing your work. Happy Paint Party Friday!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. So glad all is well, Lynn and that you can get back to enjoying all the fun and creative summer time !
    Peace to you !

  34. I am so happy to hear the good news! Also enjoying your sketchbook. I really like how you are incorporating everyday life one each page. Thanks for sharing and happy PPF!

  35. Wow! I am impressed by your artwork and all these happy and cheerful journal pages you created! Wonderful work!

  36. I love going places with you. I can almost feel it. Thanks for the great art and stories. Blessings, Janet PPF

  37. You are very artistic. Love your pages. I hate writing on mine as my handwriting is so terrible, You did a great job on your journal pages.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!