Semi retirement continues. I work parts of three days a week, seeing clients in my counseling practice. I love my work, and I used to joke I'd die in my chair. But finally decided not to let that happen. (I hope it won't happen in the next four weeks! I feel fine!) Instead I've been looking around to add to my already very arty life for new things to do.
I have a call into my grandkids (age 12) art teacher at their school. I want to volunteer in her class starting once a month and maybe more often ... it's a 45 minute drive from my home. But it would include a day with grandkids, probably taking them to their soccer games on the day(s) I am there and having dinner with them afterwards at my daughters home.
I also talked to a woman at the local knit shop (in Winters, CA) and she told me they meet on Mondays to make quilts for charity. That sounded like a good way to be with like minded people.
Of course I will continue drawing at Starbucks and Barnes & Noble. And my Sktchy portraits at home.
Speaking of which here's one for you.
A few Sundays ago we went to Sacramento, CA to the theater. I hadn't been in a very long time. I have a very talented cousin named Donald Corren, who lives and preforms in New York City and his show, On The Town, came to our area so we went. It was a fun musical and I drew these two young women who were also waiting in the on call area for their tickets before show time.
This gentleman was fun to draw on the Sktchy App.
I'm enjoying playing with my Copic markers experimenting with different skin tones. He let me know he was pleased with the results.
These women were at Starbucks. I'm not sure what they are discussing. But I am guessing they are all retired too as it was a work day. Or maybe not. Maybe just on a lunch break.
This next one was a very fun experience at Starbucks. This guy sat across from me while I was drawing people behind him. He motioned with his head and eyes as if to day: "Are you going to draw me next?"
So I did. He was very occupied on his cell phone and I doubt was much aware that he was actually being drawn. But I showed it to him afterwards and he said he loved it. He asked to take a photo of it. But he wanted to know why his head looked like a potato. I said it was just my wonky style. He sent a copy to his daughter. We had a nice conversation and he signed the drawing for me too.
Meanwhile back at home on my Sktchy App. on my iPhone. This guys wife made him this hat and I was very pleased, as was he, at how well I could replicate it.
I loved her wonderfully fun smile.
Here are some women talking about me as I draw them ...
And another Sktchy woman.
Okay, time to brag. Sktchy gives out "Picks" and I have had a few. This is my latest! It feels very nice to have one's art chosen in this way. It's the equivalent of finding a blue ribbon on your drawing at the art gallery or county fair!
I have started top sewing free motion style on the grandson's monster quilt. My next door neighbor lent me one of her sewing machines that is a little larger than mine making the quilt easier to sew on at this stage. I am so appreciative of her generosity. The free motion sewing seems much more user friendly on her machine too.
Here are more examples of what it's like to draw on a quilt which in turns Quilts it.
I like finding photos to draw in Sktchy that have interesting facial expressions. I am sure you will agree with me that she fills that bill just perfectly.
Today I drew all six of the young women sitting across from me at Starbucks. I am pretty sure they knew I was drawing them, but none of them came to ask or check it out. Just as well, as when they left it was still in black and white and didn't have the life color gives it yet.
On another note I am back to making vegan, non-dairy N'ice Cream. That bowl full below on the book is what I ate today. Very creamy and very delicious.
I took a little from a few different recipes so if you want to try this at home you pop in a food processor or good blender the following:
1 13.5 oz. can of organic coconut milk. Put in the refrigerator the day before and then only use the solid creamy part.
2 cups of frozen organic strawberries
1 frozen banana (optional)
3-4 Teaspoons of organic maple syrup for sweetener
(I used 3, I could have used less as the fruit is already sweet to my taste)
1 Tbsp. of nut butter (also optional)
I added: A handful of almonds, and 2 squares of dark chocolate from a bar of Ghirardelli Raspberry Chocolate. I like a little chocolate and crunch in my N'ice Cream.

Bon Appetite.
Have a wonderful week. I am late in posting this week. I had way more art I could have posted, but I hope you enjoy the ones I chose for you.
Have a very Creative WEEK and thanks for coming by. I appreciate your comments as they inspire me to keep drawing.
Four more weeks till I am fully retired. Oh, did I already say that? :-)