We got up at 4 a.m. to get the airport in time to fly to MN. Thought on Christmas Eve there would be lots of traffic, long lines, crowds, but none of that happened. Easy ride in, little fog, no crowds, normal amount of other fliers, no waiting as had gotten boarding passes on line before going; plane itself was very crowded, little to no leg room, but whole flight was three and a half hours so a piece of cake as far as I was concerned. Read my Fabric collage book, got lots of new ideas for next projects/processes...SIL met us at the airport...stopped at Macy's Deli for lunch and visit to Santa Claus...she bought Godiva chocolates and I helped her eat them in the car.
So far a very Merry Christmas Eve!
Oh, and it's snowing!
Glad you arrived safely. It is VERY foggy here now...not good flying weather.