
Monday, January 28, 2008

Signs of Spring

I do regret that I did not take my camera with me today on my noontime walk. There was a new bounce to my step. (Must be all the exercise I am getting these past two weeks) The sky was bright blue, not a cloud in the sky. The sun shown brightly. Everything dry after our recent deluge of rains. Well perhaps a puddle here or there but nothing to blog home about. And then I started seeing true signs of spring. There is an area between my office and the post office where I was headed, a small patch of dirt that in springtime becomes a real meadow of wild flowers. Today I spied a bright orange and a bright yellow flower in full boom! They lit up the place surrounded by last years dark dank dead flora. And then a few yards down that street a house with two long rows of white Iceland Poppies floating lightly as they do on long stems. I walked further down the road and suddenly realized I was surrounded by 20-30 feet tall elephant legs, but no, looking up I saw they were indeed palm trees. I must have passed them hundreds of time by car, but never having walked between them before was struck by their newness to me and their awesomeness. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this long brisk walk in the sunshine! Twenty five minutes later I was back at my office feeling invigorated ready to face the afternoon indoors again.


  1. Your description was your camera.

  2. Walking does show us a completely different and in some ways more detailed world. Lovely.

  3. You are an explorer at noon each day, Lynn. Think of all the wonderful things (and seasons) you'll find if you continue walking.

  4. Isn't it amazing what you can see when you REALLY LOOK. We miss so much driving in cars instead of walking. Altho we need cars but we also need to get out and smell the Roses as well as SEE them. Good going Lynn.

  5. Signs of SPRING? Are you serious? Wow.


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