
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mimi turns 89 and we celebrate!

My aunt Miriam is my mothers' youngest sister (of three). Yesterday was her 89th birthday and we gathered together in her home with my uncle Harry, cousins Neil, Barb and Judy, their spouses and my brother and husband to honor Mimi.
Here are a few photos to share of our happy day together.

Two weeks ago I decided to make Mimi a quilt of memories of her life and I gifted it to her at this party.

I think it is evident here how much she loved and appreciated this gift. My cousins loved it too. We all had fun revivifying many, many memories of past family events through it's photos.

I also made photos on cloth of Mimi and Harry taken in 1945 the year they met and my two cousins and I wore them on our shirts!

It was a grand day.


  1. Oh what wonderful pictures of the family with the lovely quilt. She sure looked happy. For 89 she is amazing. She looks so spiffy and so does her hubby. wow. Nice family.
    And Lynn you really really look good in these photos. The weight loss shows big time. like I said before... Marvelous Dahling. lol

  2. Lynn you are just too cool. Mimi is a lucky woman. How lovely to receive the quilt and be able to sit and talk about one's life. Interesting to note all the women look like they have the same color hair! Lovely post.

  3. Mimi looks great for 89! I can see she really cherishes her family tree quilt. We also had a 'grand day' for our Dream Tree planting.

  4. This is wonderful! I love this quilt, and how great to give it to a loved aunt of 89! She'll enjoy it I'm sure.

  5. Oh, and of course with the name "miriam" - she has to be special!

  6. Oh Lynn your magic quilts spread love and happiness everywhere...

    We can see how excited and happy she is when looking at it...
    By looking at your grand day through these photos, we shared the happiness...

  7. What a beautiful gift for such a wonderful celebration, your aunt looks marvellous and nowhere near her 89 years.

  8. tears in the eyes
    lotsa sighs
    emotions overflow
    how lucky to be there
    happy birthday mimi
    and bless you lynn
    your work is so cherished
    your work is so brill
    my thanks go to you
    for all that you do
    taking time and such care
    i know, i have one too!


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