
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Most Recent Art at Starbucks, Amici's, and Taco Jalisco

 I really enjoyed having five days off in a row from work over the holidays ... twice! On Sunday I suggested we go to Starbucks in Dixon again, my newest spot to draw people. I finished this drawing before DH got back to our table with my latte and his coffee. There were so many folks here. I delighted in capturing this threesome at a small table in front of me. I sat on one of those tall tables looking down on them. I loved drawing those knit sweaters! And that couple standing in line! The Christmas Blend coffee was still on sale!

Also at Starbucks I found these two guys of two different generations using two different modes of study.
I got a kick out of the "older guy" using a pencil, while "the kid" in the UC sweatshirt used his computer!

On Friday nights DH and I go out to dinner. We frequent Amici's, a favorite Italian restaurant in town. They make a great artichoke salad I like, and good rich minestrone soup; DH likes the low carb spaghetti with marinara sauce with meat balls. The staff knows us now. I did a quick sketch while waiting for our meal to arrive.

On Wednesday, my first day back to work after the new year, I walked down to Tacos Jalisco. It wasn't very crowded yet. Every table had vases of dark red flowers. I had to look around them to catch these folks with my ink pen. Not sure how much longer the Christmas decorations will stay up. But I like the way it shows what time of year it is in my drawing. I see now that I neglected to draw the flowers!

Carlos and his dad came in while I was eating. I was drawing Mr. A. of the "floor guys" ... Carlos' dad approached me with a huge smile, and took my hands in his, and wished me a happy New Year!
It's the first time I encountered him from behind his post in the kitchen! How sweet was that!

"The Couple" was also there and we too wished each other a good year!

Carlos came and sat down at my table to chat. We talked about movies we'd both seen the night before (we both watched "The Magnificent Seven",) and we decided he looked somewhat like the young actor who got the girl in the end of the film! We also talked about getting together for dinner next Friday night. Nena brought him his lunch and he stayed to eat with me. I tried to draw him as he
sat there. It doesn't really look much like him. Maybe I'll get better over time and practice! Carlos said my challenge for this year was to bring my paints with me and to both draw AND PAINT at the table there!  We'll see...

I'm linking these up for Paint Party Friday ... You can get to that blog via the icon on my side bar.
There are a lot of very good artists whose art you can see from the link there. And we've become quite a friendly group enjoying each others art. I really appreciate all the comments they leave on my blog! Thanks ALL!


  1. Your work just keeps getting better. I know I keep saying that but it does. I love the first one and the story of the two men and age difference in how they go about life. I can see Carlos in that drawing.I love how he is encouraging you to bring your watercolors too. Too cute!

  2. Love the blonde woman in the sweater with her chin on her hand!

    How long does one sketch take you? I'm thinking maybe I need to go out for coffee once a week just to do some drawing!

    I tried to sketch people when I had jury duty, but didn't have good angles or enough time!

    Hope you are having a Happy New Year so far!

    1. Maybe takes 20 minutes...give or take a few! Yes, do it, it's fun!

  3. Karen, the drawing takes around 20 minutes give or take five for all the details. I encourage you to I it! It has become so satisfying for me, I crave it now yes, a very, very happy new year so far! ;-)

  4. I love following you to all your favorite eateries. The characters are so fun. I feel like I even know some of them. Happy PPF

    1. I like having you along! I bet you do know them now!

  5. Fascinating how you capture the details and essence of the moment, fabulous art!!!

  6. Too funny, I kept looking for the flowers as I was reading. . . . :P STARBUCKS, my fave. . . afraid I wouldn't get away with sketching, everyone would become self conscious OR throw me dirty looks!!! My Starbucks is very small and intimate. Would it be a problem bringing paints? Mine aren't all that compact. You know I love your art. Blessings, Janet PPF

  7. your work is looking even fresher and crisper than it normally does... are you using different paints??? love them all this week... can't even pick a favourite...xx

  8. Love your new drawings - as Chris said, your work just gets better and better! The Starbuck ones are my favorites! <3

  9. Loving your new drawings Lynn you always seem to have so much fun. Happy PPF, Annette x

  10. I do love your drawings and the stories that come along with them!

    Happy PPF and a Happy New Year!

    Karen x

  11. Great drawings. I am amazed at how quickly your sketches come together. Do you have a water brush and watercolor pencils or small watercolor set? You could definitely bring your paints!

  12. I love reading about these slices of life, and your illustrations just make it all so vivid. The expression on the woman with the yellow hair, and her body language, perfectly convey what it means to listen intensely. Happy New Year and PPF!

  13. What a wonderful collage of life's activities you've captured here, Lynn! The colors are beautiful but I always enjoy the drawings of ordinary people. I like the contrast of the old and the young. Old me I love the computer, but I also like to have things down in pencil.

  14. It's so inspiring to see how sketching in your favorite spots has become so much a part of your daily life, and that it has built relationships with people you might never even have spoken to otherwise.

  15. wonderful to see all your sketches
    what does DH do while you are doing art? watch you or visit with you?
    just curious, as i have found a few people who think it rude if i am sketching while we are visiting.

  16. Lovely drawings -- love all the life and movement in them. It's also quite inspiring to learn how quickly you do them. It's an art in itself to learn how to get into a flow and go with it. And on the generation gap of writing tools -- I always call my pen/pencil and paper my portable word-processor and studio that never needs recharging. :)

  17. You are so prolific with your sketches and stories and I am impressed at how quickly you create them especially.What a talent! Happy PPF!

  18. I love how through sketching, wonderful moments & interactions come alive. I love how one can flow between witness to & part of a story...I think your observations are sensitive & perceptive & you capture what you are experencing beautifully! For some reason I've gotten out of my daily sketching habit...Thank you for reminding me of the joy that comes with sketching...

  19. You're making me hungry for Tacos!! Wonderful work.

  20. Just excellent Lynn. Love your stories.

  21. Great drawings as usual, seems as if I know all these people as well.

  22. Wow, what a fun way to create art, integrating it into your life and keeping it local! So enjoyed these drawings and reading your post. Happy PPF!

  23. What a good idea, to draw and paint at the same time, he must love all the money you sepdn on coffee, ha ha. Happy PPF from across the pond.

  24. I've so enjoyed seeing all your art in 2012, and look forward to seeing your work in 2013, too! Congratulations on all your amazing art!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  25. Hej Lynn!

    I've told you before in here somewhere, that I like your sketches and drawings a lot! It is great the way you capture scenes with people being together (or alone) and being able to grasp the atmosphere in the places you visit!
    Thank you for your visit at my place!
    Happy PPF!


  26. I think Carlos has a great idea! You can get such compact little watercolor palettes now, and the brushes that hold water in the handle. I have a couple of those. It would be fun for days when you have enough time. I think everyone at TJ already knows you as the artist and wouldn't bat an eye!

  27. Your art always amazes me ...hope you continue to inspire...have a splendid 2013 :)

    1. Ritu, pleased to learn I do inspire! Sweet! Thank you!

  28. Just got your email notice about your book! Congrats and have a great time at the exhibit, too!

  29. Hi Lynn, just writing to tell you that I bought your book...... So excited, so want to say congratulation to you. Hope your book will go great :-) thank you for your stories every week. Have a wonderful Sunday..

    1. Sigga you make me so happy to think of you soon holding my book and reading it, revisiting tacos Jalisco with me. I hope it makes you laugh and smile! Enjoy! Thank you!!!

  30. I smile Lynn when I picture you everywhere you go with a pen and sketchbook and maybe a small watercolor box. Your head bobbing up and down as you observe and draw!
    Your sketches are so much fun because you seem to really like all the people you meet.

  31. Hi Lynn,

    I am so glad to see that you have published your book :)
    Great title.




Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!