
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy 2015

Happy New Year everyone! My year has been full of creativity, family visits, and fun! I've enjoyed sharing it all with you and I appreciate your continual visits to my blog, which of course encourages me to keep creating and blogging more.

Today Allie, age 3, and I decided to make hearing aides for her Grandma Lynn doll. Hard as this may be to believe she went into a cupboard and came out with two metal clips declaring they could be the dolls hearing aides. And since I'd sewn magnets inside the dolls head where the ears are the metal clips stay in place and now grandma doll can indeed hear! 
If you look very closely you'll see Allie in the background and her hearing device on her head, a Cockular Implant, that also fastens with a magnet to her skull. 

Allie and I have been collaborating on drawings all week long. Today I drew her drawing her Papa and she then helped color it and the next one!

We just drew every day!

Then I went out to meet Judy Wise for lunch and more drawing! That was so much fun. Judy is such an amazing artist in so many medias, it's always inspiring to spend time with her!
As you can see we drew each other! 

Allie and I drew more later...she's busy practicing drawing B's this week! 

Earlier in the week we'd traveled through Ashland, OR where we stopped and spent time with our friends, Elizabeth and Michael Flannagan. Elizabeth and I drew and the guys sang and played guitars together! Elizabeth and I met through Sketchbook Skool. This was our third meet up in person.

At my son and daughter in laws home we celebrated Chanukah together. My other two grandkids who live up here came over too. It's been a long, very precious time together. 


I want to wish everyone a happy New Year! May it be filled with happiness, good health, and creativity in whichever ways that brings you joy! 


  1. It is fun watching Allie grow up in pictures and drawings. Your drawings are growing too. Have a happy sketchy new year.

  2. Happy New Year!!! I love seeing all the sketches you and Allie are doing. How fun! Thanks for sharing all the photos and sketches. I was wondering if you were away for the holidays...glad you had a great time with family and friends.

  3. I love the magnets where the ears are--brilliant!

    We have Katie here for two more weeks, but Joel only got to come home for five days--he works at Big Five in Sacramento, and was scheduled for work :( I'm hoping we can see him again before school starts for him. I'm glad you're getting to enjoy the grand kids!

  4. Happy New Year! I love being able to see how you and Allie are sketching, drawing, coloring and sharing time. I have my lil N who is my sketch buddy. She is 6 now and I think we started several years ago. She is now quite the artist, just as Allie is! Aren't children the best encouragement sometimes?

    Looks like you had a lovely Holiday season, what a blessing and the best way to ring in the New Year!

  5. What a preciuos time you had with your granddaughter and family! Your granddaughter will always cherish the drawing times you spend with her! Thanks for sharing!

  6. What a pleasure it is to read your posts and see your drawings. I don't always take time to comment, but they are always refreshing and inspiring to read. Love the doll's hearing aids. Your drawings are so expressive! I'm glad you're having a great holiday season.

  7. Such a delightful holiday for you, Lynn, to be surrounded by family! I think you are so caring to be involved in your granddaughter's art work. I always love your sketches. I hope I live long enough to see her blog some day with her own sketches. I know a boy who has the same cochineal implant. What a difference it made in his life!

  8. Beautiful! Wish you a splendid 2015!

  9. Wonderful art here! And i LOVE Judy Wise too... such a talented woman. That photo of you two is fabulous. Thank you for sharing all this goodness. Happy New Year to you! xx

  10. Allie is a very thoughtful doll owner. I love your sweet sketches of her too. Happy New Year!

  11. Hello Happy new year.

    Lovely drawings. Best wishes

  12. Happy new year Lynn! Your granddaughter sure is cute, and has a wonderful imagination too. I love your assorted art this week!

  13. happiest of new year's to you too, lynn. nothing better than family and art….



Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!