
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Why I don't cook!

Big Draw: #?
Pen and Ink, tongue in cheek, entitled: "Why I Don't Cook".

DH offered several suggestions upon seeing this:

1. Call it Louisiana Blackened Rice
2. It's your art object Du jour
3. Take it to the local Mexican Restaurant and suggest it for their menu for Re fried Rice.

I chose #2.

It WAS in the microwave.
I did follow the directions on the Brown Rice packet to the letter.
I did go upstairs to sew when it had ten minutes to go on the timer.
I knew it would be OK because it said to let it stand for ten minutes after it was done. So it had to cook for 45 minutes. The microwave would stop then and it would STAND for ten more minutes. Makes sense right?
It obviously got done long before the 45 minutes were up.
I thought I set the temperature correctly, but as I have never ever reduced the temp on the microwave before...
obviously I did not do it correctly...duh!

DH saw smoke!
The house was FULL of SMOKE.
He called up to me to do what? Put out a fire? I think he thought the house was on fire.
So now all the windows in our house are open to let the burnt smell out.

Needless to say I now remember why I don't cook. Tomorrow night we will eat the take out Chinese food DH brought home tonight.
I hope my try at surprising him with a home cooked meal, knowing he was coming home stressed to the max, tired out, did not go unnoticed. I think he noticed. Oy!
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  1. Oy? Oy! Oyoyoy!
    You are very funny! This happens when you do two things at a time, one of which you don't like very much:):):) I like you husband's suggestions what to do with the fried rice:)
    thanks for making me laugh

  2. Lynn, I came back to your post to look at the pot, and it occured only now to me that this must have a transparent glass pot before yesterday....Ojehh:)

  3. Grinin' here.. Sorry but I have been there done that too. I burnt sugar water.. I made sugar water for the hummers into ashes. I got side tract in boiling it for about 30 seconds.. Now that is fun. and yep had the windows & doors open and fans going and we had company coming over in just a few hours too. The smoke detectors didnt go off until the pot was burnt black. arrrgh!
    I did get the smell down to smelling like apple pie by the time they came.. boiled spices. lol
    oh and I would say DH noticed your gesture. He has a sense of humor at least. LOL

  4. this is deliciously funny, you are hilarious.
    will consider myself tagged and write what i can't do one day!

  5. Very funny Lynn. Never cook while sewing is the motto I guess. I am often burning kettles out unless they have whistles of course. Or little pans of soup I set on to warm and walk off.

  6. This is very funny :-))) Glad I'm not the only one who tries to multitask whilst being creative - it is rarely a sucess! My Dad did the same thing to a piece of Christmas pudding in a microwave, the house was full of smoke. He thought you put it in for the smae length of time as a regular oven, so 20 mins later.... OH Goodness!!


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