
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Quilting is my passion

This art quilting is so very different from traditional quilting and I am feeling freer and freer with it. I really do feel I go into another zone and the colors come together and the shapes and if you will, forms, lines, it's a kind of magic happening, almost through me. I am very excited about this latest project. I was up until midnight working on it last night, just could not stop. Spinning gold in the tower like some princess from fairy tale times. It's FUN! So excuse me now as I need to get back to my tower.


  1. Repunzell Repunzell let down your quilt. :)
    I think Quilting is your love of all the arts. You will be creating one of a kind quilts for a long time to come.

  2. What a blessing to find something you love so much, do so well, and that enlivens your spirit and will to continue the way quilting seems to do for you. Your talents are large and you have the enegry and focus to express them. Hurrah. Be well and eat well, Suki

  3. Thanks for your comments on my blog. That is funny about the rooms. In fact you have given me an idea! Maybe I can paint the walls. They are made of some horrible pressed wood with fragments of wood every which way in them. I will try. I'd been thinking they'd absorb too much of the paint but I havent tested that out. !!!

  4. Suki, don't just paint the walls add collage materials to them just like the pages of your book. That would be awesome!

  5. you called yourself 'getting your feet wet' yet in the art of quilting, you are miles ahead of all of us! go on, give us another peek (grin).
    btw, i have got to do some sort of health and fitness 'thing' it's on my mind, will let you know soon what i have decided to much weight have you lost now?

  6. Hi you luck freequilter, I'm looking forward to what you are up to, working in your tower,

  7. The Art Quilt is something that I haven't tried yet at all, so good luck with that. Do you read "cloth, paper and scissors"?


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!