
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another Hint of Newest Quilt

Tonight I feel I completed the sewing on this, my latest quilt wall hanging. As you can see it is collage with free motion top sewing.
Some added beads for extra sparkle. Another family history piece for someone special.
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  1. Oh my.. I love what I can see already. Can't wait to see the rest. I love the flower material next to the woman in the photo. Will be nice to hear about the History of the person who you are doing this for.

  2. Oh and I like how you put the red button in the middle of the flower as its center.. Very Clever.

  3. Hi Lynn, your new quilt is beautiful. It has a nostalgic touch to it, I can fell that there are a lot of memories here too, like in the Ella-quilt. The free stitching is creating a lot of soft movement and the colours in the part you are showing us remind me of the 40ies. I love the rose and the red button. and the baby is cute with it's big magic red ball. I love the white graphic thing on the botton,is it a sort of star?

  4. This does look wonderful, you are so clever to be doing these art quilts. Can't wait to see the overall piece.

  5. Lovely. Warm and inviting. How did you make the white circle that echoes the button?

  6. Suki, I didn't "make" the white circle that echos the button. It's part of the print on that particular piece of fabric.

    Andrea, yes, I do believe this piece is full of memories for the person I am making it for. A life times worth. Im glad you saw the red ball the baby is holding, and the "star" in the circle. It's not "exactly a star" but symbolizes one perhaps.

    Mim and Cris I am glad this meets your approval as well. ;-)

  7. gorgeous!
    You have such a great eye for creating in so many different ways! I love being able to share in what you make! Thank you!!!

  8. lynn, i have tears in my eyes at the sight of this beautiful blog. when we gonna tell them? you decide.....
    a million trillion thankyous and a billion more.

  9. Well FY, I dare say, WE just did.

    So pleased that you are so moved by this. Soon I will show the whole thing once it has all it's sparkle. tonight I will introduce it's owner to the world.

    Lady bug, your words of praise warm my heart more than words can say.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous - I love the lady and the baby and the way you have put the layers together so well. I like your free arty style.
    Well done Lynn.
    Nice to catch up with your adventures after my blogging absence :-)

  11. Thanks Lizzi, Glad you like this one.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!