
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

This is the sweet Valentine my sweetheart handed me this morning. I am so glad I got up early to get a hug and kiss him goodbye on his way out to work. I am so lucky!
This is our thirtith year of sharing Valentines together!
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!
Give your self a hug
You are all LOVE!

There is a wonderful poem by Derek Waicott called Love After Love on Now is Wow's blog. Find her blog on my blog roll and go there to read this poem. It spoke to me so loudly and beautifully of where I feel I am right now in my life.


  1. OK this puts him back on top after not answering the phone when you kept calling. :)Cute card.

  2. Yes, Cris, he is Tops!
    And yes, he'll get his card tonight. I bought it ages ago, but hadn't written in it yet. Did so after he left for work. ;-)

  3. Very cute. And thoughtful of him and you. 30 yrs. Congrats. Have a happy day. Suki

  4. Awwe what a sweet card!! I got a very sweet card from Kelly too. Maybe I'll post it tonight. Wow 30 yrs...that's fantastic. Congrats!

  5. Oh how sweet and cute! Lovely Husband you have:) Happy Valentine's Day to you my dear Lynn, have a wonderful day and thanks so much for all your nice comments on my blog, I missed them!
    PS XO

  6. Oh Lynn, this card is fantastic. So frank and true....full of love.
    Happy Valentine.

    Me too was surprised to see my husband came home at a time he never did... with a rose to tell me he loves me...
    I love such cards and surprises....

  7. I'm returning from Elspeth's blog with tears welling up in my eyes... that poem was so touching...As you said, it talks volumes to us.
    Thanks for letting us know...


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!