
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baggy Pants and Art!

(Third Kaleidoscope photo, another flower from my garden)
This afternoon I took a walk at lunch time as I often do now and today I headed up a hill at the top of which sits our local art gallery. I have driven by this gallery probably thousands of times over the twenty plus years I have lived in this town, but never ever had I gone inside.

On my way to the hill I was walking at a pretty good pace, as my goal was to get the best amount of exercise in that I could for the time I had for it. I came upon four teen aged boys who were a ways ahead of me. They were four across the sidewalk and I could see no way around them so I let them get some space between them and me. However, I was close enough to get a show that had me stifling laughter.

Three of the four young men were wearing pants, jeans, that hung down low in the back. They also wore green and blue and plaid underpants which were clearly visible, as is the style for gentlemen of this age. Each boy was also holding something in their hands, two had books and one something medal that looked like part of a bicycle handlebar.

As they walked in a way that looked difficult to me with pants dragging down so the crotch of the pants was around the backs of their knees...they kept having to pull up their pant lest they fall to the ground around their ankles. So the show was: WALK....WALK....PANTS FALLING LOWER...AND LOWER...PULL PANTS UP...WALK...WALK...PANTS FALLING LOWER...MORE REAR END EXPOSED...FALLING LOWER...PULL PANTS UP... all the while I am walking behind them enjoying this show, trying so hard not to giggle or laugh audibly for them to hear...a few times one or the other looked back over their shoulder at me...realizing I was following them...must have realized I was seeing the pants falling lower and lower...picking up pants...walk...walk...pants falling lower...

Fortunately for all of us, they stopped at the bus stop and took a seat! I in turn tried not to smile too gleefully and walked on...up the hill...pants in tact! ;-)

When I got to the top of the hill, pant, pant, (out of breath just a little...from the walk, not the titillation of the show) (really!)...I went into the art gallery to see what was there.
There was a display of teen aged artists works: drawings, paintings, sculptures, all interesting to see. Some very good indeed, and apparently it had been judged, as some had blue or gold ribbons next to them.

The director of the gallery, Judy, came out to greet me. I told her it was my first time there and we started to talk. It came out that I dabbled in art, and that I had some art quilts that were wanting to be seen. She told me about how one gets something shown, hung, at the gallery and about the juried-art shows they have there. As we talked and she and her assistant became more and more interested in my work, and seemed to think it could be shown there I went on line on their computer and showed them my blog with my work on it. Judy seemed very impressed and suggested I bring it in on Friday. I will.

I am going to allow it to be shown and judged, meaning to be considered for a juried art show. Wish me luck. They get something like 400 entries and only 100 are chosen, so I do not have HIGH hopes for being chosen, but I have HOPE nonetheless. It would be fun!

So to be continued...walking and risking, and ;-)


  1. LOL..That's a hoot about the boys. Oh they try to be so different and independent and they are so NOT. Hee Hee.
    Love the Gallery story too. Just remember that song about the Ant that moved the rubber tree plant. He had HIGH HOPES.
    One will never know if they can or can't do something if they dont try. Kudos to you for believing in yourself and putting yourself out there. Wishing you success.

  2. High hopes is right, good for you!
    Are you going to register for the Portland Art and Soul event? I just went on line to register and it is not open to registration yet, wondered if you were going to do Judy W's class.

  3. Wish you the best in the juried art show. I'm sure you'll be chosen; your art is very original and creative.

    That story about boys was so funny and interestng . Some teens here wear the same baggy pants hanging down... As Cris said they want to be different. And their hair style!
    It's like when the cartoon characters get electric shocks!

    Enjoyed reading you, as always.

  4. Oh I forgot to say that i love your kaleidoscope pictures.
    The symmetry is so beautiful.

  5. Dear Lynn, this is great, high hopes! Your quilts are gorgeous!
    And do you know what? Today I walked behind 2 teens with pants like that, I mean pants that have to be picked up every other step:)
    They really were below the bottoms, how can they stand it, I don't know but it is a real event:)

  6. OK when did you post the other flower on here? it wasnt there last night. These are really turning out fabulous. Kudos to you. Are they topstiched yet?

  7. love this -my favourite colour.
    ooooh how i hate pants hanging by their knees, it really bothers i really hate it!
    lynn, you have 'grown' so much in the past few months, doing so many new things, learning, experiencing and loving...well done you, will hold thumbs!

  8. I admire you so much. You are just so brave and you embody the phrase "just do it."


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!