
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tagged Again!

Forever Young has tagged me to write a six-word memoir about myself. The rules:1.) Write a six-word memoir, post it on your blog (add an illustration if you like). 2.)Link to the person that tagged you in your post. (I don't know how to link, so I will just go to their blogs and invite them) 3.)Tag five more blogs with links. (ditto) 4.) Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play. I am tagging the following people as I am interested in what they would have as their six-word memoir: I tag: Andrea Elizabeth Suki Lady Bug Kelly Mine is: Hidden Art Pops From My Heart


  1. Lynn this is perfect. Everyone is coming up with such clever things about themselves. I can't think of a thing for me.

  2. Beautiful... Yes, this is you indeed.. you are like a fountain of creativity and art...

  3. yes this is perfect. and it's hidden no longer,it 'shines' from your soul my friend.thanx for joining in, i knew you would.

  4. Love your six words and thanks for your more than 6 on my blog. Mom into hospital now with a heart attakc or MI if they are different. resting well.

  5. Oh, my. This is a hard one. I will try.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!