
Thursday, February 2, 2012

"One Fish Taco, Half Order of Guacamole"

 I decided that will be the title * for my collection of drawings I do at Jalisco's. Above drawing was done in 20 minutes for TMC. Party of three; and my "old" table I used to sit in to draw outside, before I got comfortable drawing the people inside. Then the couple you may recall from an earlier drawing. They are the couple Carlos recognized in the earlier drawing.

Below are three teenagers all wearing baseball caps in various positions! I hope you can tell the black bill in the foreground is flipped up in back! The woman is from the previous drawing above! This I did in ten minutes as I was rushing to get back to my office. These kids were at the very next table to mine.
Happy Jalisco's Thursday!


  1. these are really cool and love it that you are titling them.

    legally though titles cannot be copyrighted. they can be used and reused by anyone.

    1. Thanks Suki. And I appreciate learning about the ins and outs about copyrighted titles. Can't really imagine anyone else picking this title to use though, as you can see in my response to Cris below!

  2. It's funny how I still see the Guitar if I just glance at that second drawing. Love the title. Perfect! I bet that's what you order each time you go eat there..Right? Its fun to see your work from there.

    1. Yes, Cris, that is what I order each and every time I eat lunch there. Therefore, the title!

  3. You have been really creative, I went back to see some of the things I have missed and WOW you are amazing. I just love that you are drawing these snapshots of life...really special Lynn. Love, Mary

    1. Thank you Mary. I'm glad you come to visit me when you can. I love visiting your blog too. You always give me so many childhood memories to mull over. So glad you enjoy my "snapshots of life" as you called them. Love that statement!!! Thanks again.

  4. fun fun fun. keep going, lynn! do people notice you are sketching them? do you ask them? do you show them?

    you are clearly on a roll!


    1. KJ, I really do not know if the folks I am drawing notice. I do not ask permission to draw them. I just do it. And no I have yet to have anyone ask so I've never shown anyone what I have drawn. The only ones who get a peek are the wait people. They always smile. But even they do not LOOK closely, so I can only imagine that they glance. They've never said anything to me about it. They just know I am doing it each and every time I come there. Sometimes they have to maneuver my food around my art pad. ;-)

  5. Lynn, I've really been enjoying watching you do all the sketches, paintings, etc,
    I just have been short of time to comment.
    Keep it up,,,,,everything looks terrific,,,especially lovin' the 'fashion models'!

    1. Oh Babs thanks so much for taking time today to leave a comment. I so appreciate hearing what others think of what I am doing here.
      Glad you like the fashion models. I'll probably keep that going for a while longer.

  6. Love your quickie drawings, Lynn!!!

    1. Thank you Julie!!! They are so much fun to do!!!
      How does your garden grow?

  7. oh how I miss a good taco stand! and a good fish taco! you have really captured the friendly atmosphere :)


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!