
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

End of October Art

I continue to enjoy being in the Every Day in October group where we draw to a different prompt daily. The above drawing was in response to the prompt: "Harvest"
A lot of this gets harvested in Oregon. They have whole magazines dedicated to it.

(all the photos here were taken with and from my iPad so they are not as good quality as if I had been able to scan them)

The next prompt was Presidential: I chose to draw who I feel is most likely to succeed in our next election.

Prompt: "Map":  I chose to draw a map of my life from birth to now accentuating where I came from, where I've been and where I am now.

"Geology": "Devils Tower"
A place we have visited many times and enjoyed walking around it.

Perhaps you can read some of the details about Devil's Tower in my notes here.

Prompt: "New Orleans"  A back Street Cultural Museum

Prompt: "Legend" I chose the Kiowa Tribe's legend about the formation of Devil's Tower. You can read more about that here.

And of course I continue to draw out in public at places like Starbucks ...

... and Powell's Books in Portland, Oregon

... and Harlow's where they make the best Vegan Chili on the planet!!!!

Visiting my son, Daughter in law and grandkids is the best!

So of course I draw them too...

And 4 year old Allie draws too, sometimes with me (above) and by herself (below) ...

This trip began with a short visit in Ashland with our cousin Betsy, an art store and for us, cheap gas!

Having a creative week. Having fun visiting art stores, good places to eat, being with family, being cold, experiencing a little rain, beautiful fall colors, and just being in vacation mode. I hope your week is filled with creativity and joy as well.

Thanks for stopping by letting me share my art with you.Your comments are much appreciated and they really do aid in keeping me drawing.

See you next week!


  1. Very different pictures. . . and very different people. I enjoyed the stories I could see with the people and pictures. Allie's pictures are great (4 years old?) Wow. She's good. Blessings, Janet PPF

  2. Hi Lynn, you always amaze me with the amount of drawing you do each week! I got a kick out of the girl who said she knew you were drawing her and it freaked her out!

  3. Oh my goodness I knew it was Hilary as soon as I clicked on your blog before I read a thing! Good job with all of these and wow Allies picture is awesome too! She is doing a great job for 4...a definite budding artist! That girl that was freaked funny! Enjoy!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. Stunning paintings again. I hope also that Hilary wins....
    Happy Halloween xx

  5. Wonderful drawings! Great job! I was amazed on how many drawings you draw every week. Thanks for sharing this!

  6. I always love taking a peek of your sketches. They are so fun and make me smile.

  7. Your prolificity is amazing. A visit to your blog is always a great treat.

  8. Love this peek inside your sketch book!

  9. It's great to see your drawings again Lynn! Hope to see more next time ;-) hope to keep you in the mood for drawing!
    Happy PPF

  10. Your week could fill a lifetime of journal pages. I love it. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Wow! you have been busy ~ great seasonal sketches!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  12. I think you really managed to convey the scale of the tower. I love the family ones!

  13. LOved seeing your renditions of Devils Tower. I have been there twice, a pretty cool place.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!