
Saturday, September 1, 2007

Late night sewing...early morning binding

Oh the machines give me a challenge! Struggling to get the tension right last night I started sewing waves around the turquoise and gold dotted boarders of Kaeli's quilt. Using gold Sulky thread. I picked it up on a whim the other day seeing it was on sale for 40% off. Imagine my shock when I found the sale price to be over $8.00. Well it's big spool of 1000 yds. of thread. Golden thread to weave around this boarder and who knows where else in the future. I ran into tension problems and had to rip and rip out long expensive strands of thread. Didn't like wasting. But finally got it right and went to sleep around midnight again. Got up early this morning and as I'd kept the tension set from the night before I was able to stitch the rest of the golden waves around the other three sides of the quilt. Then I squared it off. The border is a perfect three inches all around. I then had to decide on the binding fabric. I was going to make it the same as the border, but I didn't have enough of that fabric left. So I went with the light turquoise of the inner border. I like how it looks. This whole quilt is so "outside the box" that one more different Lynn like thing is well, just one more Lynn-like thing. So the main border rather than being just the frame is now framed itself. I'll take the quilt on a car trip to the beach tomorrow and hand hem the binding in the car. That's a relaxing thing to do. I like doing some sort of handwork in the car on long drives. Then there may be some extra additions into the border to be sewn on, last finishing touches. Stay tuned. I"ll let the ocean be my muse.


  1. Oh, yes, yes! I love hand-sewing, too (which my sister says just proves that I am insane). But there's such a rhythmic peace that steals over me when I stitch by hand...

  2. Can't wait to see a photo update!


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