
Friday, January 18, 2008

Grandma Moses I Ain't

Last nights painting class was the end of this particular class. Several of the students felt it wasn't long enough. I certainly do not feel like this painting is finished. But I was too tried by the second hour last night (even though I got a chair and sat to paint) to do much in the foreground. And the teacher agreed there was more to do there. I can take it to "Open Studio" nights when the teacher is available to talk to about it (in March) or anytime I want and pay for materials and time to paint on my own. Frankly I do not feel ready to go it alone yet. I need the active teaching to know what to do and how to do it.

So, here it is my first ever acrylic painting! Ta DA!
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  1. Lynn, looks like you're getting on with acrylics a lot better than your previous entries have suggested. This is a lovely painting. I especially like that hot red. And your trees definitely look like trees, not 'blobs'.

    You should certainly keep this up because if this is you just beginning think what you'll be like in a year from now!

  2. Oh Lynn, This is actually lots better then I thought it was going to be and it is wonderful. I love the colors. I agree with BF. wow.
    Is this like what the teacher was doing? same colors and things? Or did you use your own colors? What you should do is go picture hunting and see if you can find something you like to add to your fore ground. Something you can borrow from one or two photographs of scenery you find or take yourself. Everyone needs something to look at and get ideas from. Kudos Kiddo

  3. I came back to look again and I just LOVE the colors here. That Red is so dramatic and calls to me. Thanks for comment on my painting. I use oils. Now I want to get some RED in there somehow. ;)

  4. i too love the colours and i think it's every bit as good as any modern painting that hangs in galleries, that's the beauty of art, all is art, differently seen from each person's viewpoint.

  5. Wow! If this is incomplete and a beginners's work, then...I should say you are a talent!

    If I were there, I would buy it as it was...
    Loved the red foreground and the light on the background hills ...
    Very original...

  6. Lynn this is fabulous. The mountains and clouds, the red soil. I am not sure that I agree abt the foreground. Less is more, that's what I think. Go on to the next painting and see what happens. You seem able to turn your considerable talent and eye to any media you try.!!! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Okay you guys, my head is swelling here...oh dear! oh dear!
    I feel so humbled by your words of praise.


    I have to tell you that the earth in the photo is more red that the original painting. Not sure why, camera lighting perhaps. But I did mix paints, sienna with some yellow mustard colors mixed in...there was no red on my palete.

    Cris the colors were put out for us, but we mixed them ourselves.
    My hills were very different from the teachers or anyone else in the class, as was my sky/clouds. Others put vineyards in their foregrounds, but had more room to do it as their hills were further away. So we were all painting the same thing, but each painting looked very different from the other.

    Again, thanks. You make me have the courage to try another.

  8. I truly can't believe this is the painting of a beginning painter. Amazing. I can't wait to see more and see if your style evolves over time, much as your quilting style has.

  9. Lynn - your very first ever painting????? Are you sure????? It is fantastic - the way the sunlight bounces off the hills and trees in the background - the shadows and clarity in the foreground - lovely, really. I also like the posts above - the purple (clover?) flowers. I would love to see some of your quilting, too. And painting on fabric (with acrylics that are later heat set) is sooo much fun. This painting here with the hills would be lovely quilted with some rayon thread. Paint a picture on fabric and quilt away!!! Your art is beautiful.

  10. Thank you Cleveland Girlie,
    Your praise for my first ever painting is awesome to hear.
    and your ideas for me painting on fabric add to my storehouse of ideas for future quilts. I want to try it all.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!