
Friday, February 8, 2008

Grandma Friday Revisited

When the twins were first born I was only working four days a week, and I began to visit with them each and every Friday. This ritual lasted two whole years until their second birthday, when it came to a screeching halt. The kids started preschool.
But now once in a while I get called to come in for one reason or another.
Today was one of those very special days for me as Grandma!
My grand daughter, age 3, was feeling under the weather last night so daughter asked if I could come down today to babysit.
At the last minute this morning they gave both kids, both 3, the option for going to school or having a day with grandma at their house while mom and dad went to work. The kids opted for grandma!
Needless to say it was a super dooper wonderful day...
Lots of fun, talking, crafting, reading, playing outdoors and in doors.
These are the days when I realize how truely good life is and how very blessed I am!
Grandson is folding one of the small art quilts I made for them. This one with their photos in it.
I left two with them today and they loved them. Mom thought they were "cute" too.

My grandchildren's art work framed! They are ready for their first gallery showing!

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  1. they are truly adorable and must give you so much joy, pure joy. maybe i will be blessed one day with a grandkid, looking at these photos,. i most certainly hope so!

  2. Wonderful you had your grandma day. Kids are so sweet and tiny only a short time. Love their framed artworks. What a gram you are!!!!

  3. Looks like a fun day was had by all. I am impressed at their Art being framed so nicely too. What a nice last minute treat for all of you. :)

  4. oh You said you left two quilts with them I recognize one what was the other one? They will be appreactiating fine art as they grow up. :)

  5. Cris, the other quilt is the one that is one with frayed edged layered squares and layered circles in multiple colors of kids cloths, bordered with lady bugs, and trimed in yarns. Very bright.
    GD chose that one, and GS chose the long narrow one with photos of them and us together.

    My Grand Son now recognizes quilts in books. In a children's book I was reading to them yesterday he saw a border of traditional quilt pattern and he said: "That's a quilt".

    Yes, Grandparenting is the most awesome thing since, pardon the expression, ice cream! ;-)

  6. Three is such a wonderful age, but then again, so is 4 and 5 and on and on. My twin nephs are 15 and as delightful as ever. I misss being able to cuddle them on my lap, but love the semi adult conversation and the tentative moving forward into the world, always looking back to ensure that their family is behind them. You are blessed to have these kids...and they are blessed to have you.

  7. Cute adorable kids, cute adorable Grandma. What a wonderful family you ALL are. This makes me smile a big smile :-) My son has a wonderful surrogate Grandma by the looks of things ;-)


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