
Friday, March 28, 2008

Cousin Judy came to visit again!

My dear cousin Judy came to visit me today. She brought me this huge bouquet of Camellia's from her garden. The next time I visit her I will take photos in her garden as it is so lush and full of beautiful plants and flowers of all sorts that grow profusely and in great abundance.We spent time at my home, with Judy looking at all my art creations. Judy is like me in that she is very emotional and she gushes over things she likes. Lucky for me I heard lots of gushing, ohhing and ahhing over all she was seeing: (newest crazy quilt piece, Rose quilt, older green rail quilt, and so on.)
Then we went to get a bite to eat out. And after lunch we went to the art gallery so Judy could see my works that are hanging there. (It's the camera that is crooked here not the hanging)
Judy let me know that she was impressed with my work. I felt so honored that she wanted to go there and see it.

The black and white abstract "Ashley" piece is here in the little hallway.

And I was feeling pretty proud too revisiting my two pieces hanging here in the gallery alongside of so many other really nice art pieces.

Thanks Judy for coming down and taking the time to do this and be with me.


    Your clementis is awesome when seen hanging like that. so is your Black and White. I like how they are hung. Are those your rods?
    What a fun day & nice of your Cousin for ooing and awing and bringing you those lovely flowers.

  2. Your cousin should be impressed, your work is beautiful, I love the purple flowers and I love your colourful, crazy, patchwork in your slide show

  3. They do look lovely against the white wall like that. How nice Judy came to visit and to see your art. And what beautiful flowers.

  4. It IS really exciting to see them there. I congratulate you again.
    And I loved looking at your artworks again and the faces of you both brimming with love and happiness like those lovely camellias.

  5. Lynn, your art looks great in there, very beautifully surrounded too. Perfect for the gallery! I really love the black and white piece so much, it is very graphic and intense.
    You and your cousin look as if from the same family:) have a great weekend

  6. Both pieces look so wonderful hanging up and I think also the sense of proportion gives a better feel to both pieces. what a fun time you had.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!