
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Big DRAW and more Lynn Chuzpah!

Me, just a little tense having decided to take on THE BIG DRAW challenge again this year. Breathing, relaxing, sharpening pencils...and d r a w i n g..................................WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Today is the first day of THE BIG DRAW...draw every day for the month of October. Read all about it on Bad Faery's blog:
PS: If you still want to vote for my Life's Crazy Pieces quilt in the Over 65 year olds' New Zealand calendar challenge art contest see post below this one. You can vote up until October 5th. Thanks!!!! Vote at this site: Thanks again! ;-)


  1. Yes, voted yesterday.
    Wondering whether I could draw very day for a month.......

  2. voted for you.
    like the way you did these, i rememeber when you said you couldn't draw! yes you can, yes you can.

  3. Hey that's great that your joining the big draw, Lynn. I love the pregnant woman breathing. and the ear. Good beginning. I will go to the site to vote. Went there y'day but wanted to choose ten and didnt have the time. I mean in addition to yourself of course. Be well, Suki

  4. Lynniskynni:) how fun, your drawings, love the girl with the freckles, do you have freckles? I voted for your Quilt today,

  5. PS, WOWOWOWOW this sunset is a miracle, I could look into it for hours!
    (or is it a sunrise? no I can't believe that you are up THIS early:)

  6. Thank you all for your votes on my quilt! I so appreciate it.

    Jude, if you don't do it EVERY day it's still okay! I find drawing in the late evening in front of the NEWS on TV lets me relax and unwind and let it happen...such as it is...

    Soulbrush, you are too kind!!!

    Suki, I am pregnant with drawings wanting to be born... Thanks!

    Andrea, I had freckles as a No just age spots! LOL

  7. Glad you are joining in! always so industrious, how DO you do it?!!!!

    Off to vote for you now....


  8. Lizzi, thank you for your vote!
    And "industrious"? You are doing it too! You got me into this last year if I recall correctly. And I thank you for that. Before nothing much flowed from my pencils other than words. This is fun. I am totally into HAVING FUN in life now. My last years will be known for being full of art making, child playing and plain old unadulterated FUN!

  9. Wheeee........keep drawing and have fun!

  10. Well I saw this early today and thought I had commented. hmmm
    I like your drawings. Welcome to the draw again this year. I think this is where we met last year. wow a whole year now.
    Here's hoping you get in that calander. :))I voted for you too.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!