
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Third and Final Debate

The third and final debate and the Big Draw day #15 Tonight I watched the third and final presidential debate here in the good old US of A. I think by now if you've been following my blog you realize that I have a bent towards and for Barack Obama for President. Today on my noon walk I took my ballot to the post office and mailed it off. I have voted! Nothing in tonight's debate would have swayed my vote to be other than it was. If anything it only firmed things up in my mind and opinions. On my way back to my office from the post office I had to walk through a group of teenagers on their lunch time break from the nearby high school. I overheard one boy telling another something that upset me greatly. I heard words like "...want a white one..." and "shoot him in the head." Needless to say I was disheartened by this kids words and possible view point. I hoped he was in a minority of his peers and my peers too for that matter. He was crossing the street in one direction and me in another. I wish I had more time to gather my thoughts and say something to him to make him see the error of his ways...but I doubt I could have made much of a difference in the few seconds we were in each others company ever so by chance as it was for that split second that it took him to say his racial slurs and me to cross my street. What would you have done under those circumstances or what would you have liked to have done had you the opportunity?


  1. Very good drawing and likeness for drawing off the TV. Kudos.
    I dont know what I would have done in your situation. It is scary for sure hearing those things come from the youth in this day and age. Very sad indeed. Sad thing is this attitude is probably learned from the parents.

  2. you all have bucketloads of patience where politics are concerned!great drawing.

  3. Oh Lynn. Difficult. Upsetting. It is upsetting to go and take such thoughts as a luggage for the whole day.
    I would have reacted the same as you. ON minute isn't enought to get "beyong" what has taken their parents years to get into their kid's heads. Cause this is what saddens me, that it is probably the father (can't imagine a mother) who put this idea in the young head. Again and again.

    If I had the opportunity, I'd like to ask him why. Why he doesn't want a black president, and listen to what he would answer. And discuss. In peace. To show that shooting is not necessary if there are differences.

    But oh what a frustration to hear a kid say something like that.


  4. PS: love the drawings of the two candidate's heads. You got them so well!

  5. Lynn,

    What you heard is definitely disheartening. It's especially disappointing since the people making the comments were teens. One would hope that our future generation would be free from such hatred. They are most likely speaking what they have been taught growing up. This is sad, but most likely true.

    Given the same circumstance, I would have done exactly what you did. There really wasn't time to gather thoughts, nor was it a convenient place to strike up a conversation.

    Given a different opportunity, I would love to speak to them and ask them why they feel the way they do. I would share my thoughts about the value of looking at others from the inside out. I would ask them to envision what their future could be like if they could move beyond the antiquated beliefs. I know that one conversation cannot undo this type of deep seated hatred, but perhaps I could plant a seed.

    I will pray for them as they struggle with issues of severe prejudice and hatred. I will also pray for their peers who don't hold the same beliefs…… I pray for their strength to stand-up for what they believe in. Perhaps those seeds will have the most impact.

    Mostly, I pray that the world our children and grandchildren grow-up in will be one of acceptance, no matter what color a person’s skin is. I believe that we are all connected to one another and that common thread is love.

    The fact that you were upset by what you heard speaks volumes about your heart Lynn. Bless you for sharing.


  6. Interesting drawings. Why does McClain look sort of dumb?

    I believe people change their minds, generally speaking, through coming to some understanding via life experience as opposed to being "talked to" or convinced. At least, that is the way I best learn. As soon as someone begins to lecture me, my ears turn away. these children are reflecting, most likely, attitudes they have had via growing up with parents who have similar closed minds. So....if you had gone to talk with them, i see that as affecting you primarily, and your sense of self and need to take action to change things, as opposed to have much of any effect on the kids. so...i guess were it me i would ask myself, what would make me feel best, to address the kids and their prejudiced views, or to walk on and chalk it up to a disturbing incident but one I will let go of.\\

    Someone once said to me she heard a radio person make what she considered a slur towards....i forget what but to her it was very offensive. My feeling is he is a jerk and i'm not going to let his attitude on the radio effect my peace of mind. She was all upset though and downright angry. My feeling was, just dont listen then. I mean the guy was on the radio. Not standing in front of her.

    I think each situation is different as far as what my personal response would be depending even on my mood and energy. But I do not like to let what people say (which often doesnt reflect what they actually do in the world though sometimes it does) get me all riled up and upset and so forth. Thaks for an interesting question. No black and white answers here. For example the suffragettes went to great extremes to change people's minds and that was brave and to the good of all women.

  7. Wow, thank you all for your remarks on my recent experience hearing the teens racist slurs. I thought more about it and wondered if I had them in my office to talk I might have said things that could plant seeds of different beliefs. I know I'd try to do that.

    Andrea, unfortunately, women can be racist too. I have some in my own family (a cousin and cousin's daughter) who I have heard say things that surprised and shocked me at the time. Unfortunate, but true.

    I think there is a lot less of this racism than there once was in this country. And I believe this political scene is showing us that a large section of younger people are "color blind" and will vote for an African American President without pause.

    To me it's a wonderful way to finally have real diverity and peace in this country and world.
    Besides the fact that I see Obama as the brighter candidate whose plans of action make the most sense to help our country.

    Suki, did Mc Cain look dumb in my drawing? I think he had some "dumb looking expressions" when he talked last night during that debate. Especially when he becomes angry or befuddled, which he did often.

  8. You and I were doing the same thing last nite only I did such a bad job on my candidate I didn't post it.

    I think teens can be the most thoughtless people in the world and on the other hand, they can be the most generous and thoughtful. Sorry you had to met the first kind.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!