
Monday, March 29, 2010

Sunday and all it's Sunshine

What a sweet surprise I got on Sunday morning when my phone rang and I picked it up to find my little grand daughter on the other end. She wanted to tell me that they had just made a batch of grapefruit juice using the grapefruit I had brought them from the tree in our backyard last I visited. She told me so much. I do believe this is our longest phone conversation to date. She squeezed her grapefruit by hand and her brother used the machine. I asked about school and she told me: "We have new math books!" (mind you they are just five and in kindergarden) But, she said, "we do not have homework yet". (Thank goodness!). "We are learning to read!" When I asked her how to say Good morning in Hebrew, she said "Boker Tov". (that is correct!!!) So they are learning to read and write in Hebrew and English! They are off to Flordia for a vacation to Nana A. and Grandpa H.'s home for Passover! She told me they had a sedar at school and made seder plates in art class. I asked what she put on her sedar plate and she said "salt water". She said more but it was hard to hear all with brother drumming in the background. They are also going to go to the zoo in FL. And hope to see "elephants!" Well, proud and happy grandma just had to share all that. She had to end the conversation as "I have to pee!" Don'tchajustloveem?


  1. Oh yes I do love em!!! They are awesome...I spent the weekend with mine!!! Yee-haw! :)

  2. what a cutiepatootie photograph, i hope it is on your fridge gran. these sorts of simple pleasures are worth more than gold. love the reason she had to go...makes sense to me.

  3. Bless her little cotton socks for making her Granny a happy Granny!!

  4. adorable! hope they have a fabulous time here!

  5. How sweet to call when she was thinking of you. She will be keeping in touch often as she grows older I bet. They will have a ball at the zoo.

  6. how lovely to have a granddaughter who loves to talk and tell the stories of her life. do they go to a private school?

  7. I end every phone conversation with those words ;P

  8. I often end phone conversations with "I have to pee." You paint a wonderful picture of your adorable babes. They sure are smarties!

  9. My grandbabies are coming here in just 3 short weeks! I'm so glad she called you to tell you about everything! What good kids!


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