
Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Girl in the Pink Polka Dot Blouse AND The Couple

 August 1 was a was hot out. I walked downtown from my office to the town square and sat outside the Pure Grain Bakery with my lunch. I over looked the Los Reyes restaurant again, and this time I picked a few people from a much larger group to draw. There was a long line of kids of all ages taking turns singing and playing musical instruments. This young man played something that looked like a small ukulele but with a long arm more like a guitar. I have no idea what is is called.

The two children to the left were supervised, but while the mom's were overseeing several other young tykes I just drew these two in the minute and a half the actually sat still.

The girl in the pink polka dot blouse sat to the left actually, but was listening to the music and she fit better in my picture on the right.

I like the perspective as I did make the people smaller and smaller as they were further away. The boy with the uke was much further away from the girl in pink.  Of course the little children were small in reality too. ;-)


On Thursday I ate at Taco Jalisco's. I had to get done quickly as I had a meeting at one.
But I had time to draw the first couple on the left. And then lo and behold, the couple I call
came in and sat at the very table the first couple of the day had vacated.
Thus my little cartoon:


I'm sharing these with Sunday Sketchers
and you can follow all the artists in
that challenge group by the icon on my side bar.



  1. Fun sketches Lynn. It is always fun to hear street musicians.

  2. you are the pied piper historian, lynn......


  3. How fun that the kids have a venue to play music in. Always nice to see Kids getting to show their artistic sides and not just painting. As usual great sketches.

  4. Hey Lynn! I've missed you too :) I hope I will be more active in de next months. Your drawings are getting beter and beter. Keep up the good work! If you look for me, you can also find me on Facebook. Are you active on Facebook too?

    1. Corryna, I am on Facebook. Friend me please!!!

    2. I would love to, but There are so many with your name... I can not find you. Please search for my name.

  5. I love the kids in the park drawing. And the pink polka dot blouse is a real stand out. You have brought color for a Sunday morning to me.
    I don't have the words to Thank you for the comments you made about my story. It was a life changing time for so many people. Big Hugs, Mary
    You should be published, these are excellent story drawings:)

    1. Mary, so sweet of you to say. I am planning a book for the end of the year...It will be a years worth of drawings then. Keep an eye out! ;-)

  6. I do so admire your skill in capturing people like this. I know you said it is practice, but still... I love it!

    I like giving people names too. There was a guy we used to call The Lid because he always wore a hat and lifted it up like a lid to greet his friends.

  7. So cute. You must have lots of fun when you do your carefree loose drawings!
    Have a blast.

  8. I so enjoy seeing your world through your drawings. This is always a fun ride!!

  9. Nice work! I wish I could sit and sketch people around me like this but I spend too much time and over analyze...maybe I just need to practice! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  10. i'm always amazed at the enormous amount of detail you capture in such a short period of time. i love how the characters come. these should be pulled together into a book and published!

    1. Thanks Molly. I do have a self published book in mind and hope to make that happen with a years worth of drawings come Decemberish!

  11. Your live sketching watercolors always make me smile. Seriously, every time. I like the little captions in this one too! How cool that the couple (of couples of muses apparently!) came into your restaurant and your art this time too. And yes, that is a great job you did with the perspectives, which is no simple thing.

  12. Hi Lynn, I am sure it would be so much fun to look through your wonderful journals! And it's great that you are able to capture a moment in your life and make it stand out. Great for your powers of observation too! I also came by to tell you that you won one of my ATCs or a photo of one of my paintings. Please choose from the picture in my blogpost. Patsy from
    HeARTworks and

    1. Wow! I will be by to make my choice. thank you so much.

  13. my God, it would be the Best EVer, if I were a member of the Couple, if one day you came up to me and said "I'm an artist and y'all are my muse"!! or if you could find some of those kids in 5, 10 years and show them!! wouldn't that be awesome?

    1. YEs, it would be awesome! And I think about telling the couple eventually! I will. eventually. I don't think they have a clue (yet).

  14. great sketches, you've brought your week to life for us!

  15. Thanks for making me smile. Love your sketches.

  16. I love that you can take your sketch book with you and just show us your world! Great job - what a great skill...!
    have a great week

  17. your pages always make me smile...was out with my journal this weekend but don't have the courage to tackle people sketching - yet -
    cheers, dana


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!