
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Big Art Week, Lots of Drawings; Carlos Gets His copy of "One Fish Taco..."

Last week at Tacos Jalisco "The Floor Guys" were having lunch with another guy~
And two women, one with an interesting enough to want to draw it head dress,came in
and sat next to them.
Then later this week books came in and I brought Carlos his book!
You can see him behind the counter reading it.
Well, he looked up and noticed I was taking his picture from across the room.
He's a movie star so this is no big deal I am sure!
You can see the sign on the counter with the picture of the book cover on it framed in black.
We have cards there too so if anyone is interested it tells them how to order themselves a copy of "One Fish Taco and Half an Order of Guacamole A Year of Drawing Over Lunch at Tacos Jalisco".
Below you can see Carlos reading the book again and throngs of folks waiting to read it over his shoulder!
(Carlos,I apologize for letting black ink run down your face! I didn't catch it in time.)
Later in the week DH and I went to Martinez and had a latte at the Starbucks there.
I got to draw this very young couple. It's my favorite picture of the week.
They were so young, she was so shy, and cute, and I don't know what he was saying, also very
young and cute, but she kept blushing. I think you can see that ...
... in this close up of her!
I drew this, a quick sketch at My Art Show last week. I didn't have time to finish it, as people kept
coming in and wanting to talk to me. So much for drawing at the art show! Which was in a very chic consignment shop with lots of very cool clothing!
This week I ate lunch one day at the Italian Deli, again.
No one was there when I got there so
I just drew the scene out the front window and across the street.
On another day I had to get the oil changed in my car at the Cherry Pit.
I drew this guy and the surroundings inside the small waiting area.
And then of course there was yet another day at Tacos Jalisco!
And that pretty much wraps up my week!
I wish you all a great weekend.
I know mine will be fun.
Maybe I'll have more drawings from it to share with you next week.
Stay tuned.
Happy Paint Party  Friday!
May I share with you one wonderful review
of my book?
Joss has a blog called Soulbrush, see her wonderful art there!!!!  She hails from London, England!
From Joss Rossiter about "One Fish Taco..."
"Yahooo my
wonderful book has arrived and I am totally enamoured with it Lynnie. I can't stop looking through it- reading it all, savouring the images and being in awe of your talent.

I remember when you started -first with the quilts -and you were so hesitant to show them and now look at you!

I remember when you started drawing and you were so hesitant and now look at you!

We both truly show our families that 'old is definitely not cold'!!!! And you can do anything if you want it badly enough and you work hard enough. Practise, practise, practise, is all it takes.

So here is my feedback.

1. Love the colour of the cover, and the title and drawing on it.
2. LOVE the fact that Yael's illustration of you- which is just perfect- is the first thing I see when I open the book. (Imagine how wonderful it will be when she is showing her grandkids one day!)
3. Love the fact that 'the couple' runs like a thread throughout the book. (Bet they do too.)
4. Great the way you show the advancing of your skills- they certainly did over the year. It makes the reader want to turn the pages to see what comes next and how you will imporve as the book goes on.
5. Great the way you have included the family- what an honour and utter joy this must have given them and be giving them now.
6.  I am 'blown away' that you don't ever use an eraser. I certainly didn't know that.
7. Your freedom of style is aesome, the 'squiggles' that show so obviously that we are looking at a fork or a cup or glass, is excellent, and takes skill.
8. Your use of colour is wonderful, I know you are painting what you see, but it is wonderful- I looked and looked to see if I had a favourite page- but not yet- I must say I love the pink haired lady, the red hair, the grey beards etc. but so far I love too many to have a favourite.

This will definitely be a 'coffee table' book in my house, to be picked up and looked at over and over again. And I will certainly be showing my whole family. They all know who Lynn, my friend in California is.

What's next? There has to be a new arty book from you in the pipes???"
Thank You Joss!


  1. What a packed full post. All good and fun. Fun to hear from Joss on how much she loves your work. Fun to see how you two have come so far in your work since we all hooked up blogging a few years ago. Fun to see carlo's looking at your book. Love the young couple. I do think you captured her blushes. All very good pieces here. HPPF

  2. What a week! I love the blushing one. How adorable is that young girl! Congrats on your book! Happy PPF!

  3. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished. I know you must be so excited to be able to share your book with everyone. I love this week's drawings. You capture so much in each picture and I love them all. Great review of your book!!

  4. Hi Lynn, love this weeks post with all the variety. I received my copy of your book yesterday and it is also featured on my blog. Have a great week!

  5. Wow, you have had a prolific week! I especially like the one with DH in foreground and the cute young couple in the background. And Joss' review of your book is just excellent, which means the book is just excellent!

  6. Lots of getting out and about this week! I love the young couple from Starbucks and fun to see the real Carlos after all the sketches he's in. Fun for him to be a main character in a book. Great work. Happy PPF

  7. What a wonderful week! Love the new drawings, the young couple especially! Carlos is so cute!

  8. Wow such nice feedback by Joss!!
    And lovely pictures of the restaurant with your sign there. Love that lucky bamboo besides it.
    The book Carlos is reading is that for on the counter? So people can see it?
    Hope you will sell many ;)

  9. great review and love how confident and strong your drawings have become... I am sure the book will just spur you on to more and more wonderful work...xx

  10. Lovely sketches and congrats on the book! You seem so happy with everything :)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  11. Carlos looks so pleased with his book!..what a lovely family they must be. So glad your book is doing well and that you are getting such great feedback about it.

  12. Wow, this is such an accomplishment, you must be so proud. And at the rate you are drawing, you will be ready for Volume @ in no time at all!

  13. Oh my a great post full of wonderful art and scenes full of life...I am sure the book is amazing and interesting for all the people who visit this wonderful taco bar :)

  14. What a great week of observing and arting. Now that I wrote that, it does strike me that what is so special about your work is your ability to zoom in on slices of life and really capture the nuances. Beautiful!

  15. Congrats on finishing your book! Love your new drawings and the review of your book is great!

  16. You must draw very quickly, am so in awe of your amazing talents.. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  17. Lovely illustrations as always and love your style! And wonderful people at this locale to share with ~ Brava!

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  18. Say hello to Carlos, and what a fun way to spend lunch and art! Congrats!

  19. I love reading about the way art is such an integral part of your daily life. All of your sketches are so full of character!

  20. I always get enjoyment coming to your blog. You are so full of life and so talented at capturing what you see. I have to check into the book as well. Congrats on your book and continue to have fun.

  21. Wonderful post today, Lynn, with all the people you have drawn this week. I feel like I know some of these folks already. I love the one of the young couple and the closeup showing how she is blushing. Joss' review is wonderful. Thanks for sharing it.

  22. wow Lynn-what a fantastic fun filled art filled post!! Your illustrations are always a delight-I marvel at your talent! Happy PPF

  23. Congratulations!!
    So very happy for you! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  24. I love all of your sketches w/watercolor. I'm really trying to do this style of drawing for awhile simply to loosen up myself. Every time I do art, I'm all hunched up at my desk, stiff when I'm done. I feel it's because I'm putting myself in this little perfection box instead of just letting go with my art. :)

  25. Carlos is such a cutie! Happy PPF!

  26. It must be really exciting to be distributing your book. Lynn. It looks like Carlos was enjoying it too. Blessings!

  27. Such an exciting time for you!! Birth of a book,....I have a great feeling about this!! Awesome new art and lovely all the attention the books getting!! Sooo happy for you!!

    Great review too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. great descriptions, lynn. carlos behind the counter touched my heart, a handsome lad is he :^)

    so happy happy for you!


  29. I love the look on Carlos' face - almost shy. And I love the drawing of your dh, and the woman and her headdress. Thanks for showing my whole comment- gosh I didn't expect you to show it all. But it is straight from my heart and all the truth.

  30. I just love your art and feel so inspired by you. I think I will have to get a copy of the book. I am a grandma and just really stepped out of the artistic "closet" a couple of years ago - I'm not that old but sometimes it seems so many of the blogland artists are young people. But you inspire me to keep on trucking!! Happy PPF

    1. Gina, if I have inspired you one little tiny bit I am letting you know my life has just expanded in leaps and bounds of joy! Yes, I have been drawing for maybe 2 years, and at age 71 I feel like I'm just starting in the Grandma Moses club! Please become a member of this club!!

  31. I really like that you have been drawing about the book - about people reading it and being excited about it...drawings about a book...about a book...about a book:)) I love the drawings too.

  32. What fun you have drawing. Your stories about the people are lovely. Blessings, Janet PPF


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!