
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Conversations in Cafes, Every Day in October Prompts including Frida Kahlo

Our modern technology is great for us, but not always so great for the next guy!

I love making up conversations for the people I am drawing when I am out and about!
I mean really! Doesn't she LOOK like Annie?

These two women were obviously busy and not with each other so were enjoying a quiet moment!

This answers to the Prompt in Every Day in October: "Children's Literature". I love this book I found for free at the folk festival last week. It's all about Yiddish, stories set in Chelm using Yiddish words with explanations. My late uncle Harry LOVED the Yiddish Language and would have loved this book. Unfortunately, I found it the week after he died. I was able, however, to read it to one of my grand daughters. The family tradition continues!

We sat outside at Bernardo's in Davis, CA for lunch. It was a bit breezy and peoples napkins were blowing away all over the place! My husband, being the nice guy he is, was getting up and picking them up and throwing them away!

Boy, it was busy at Starbucks on Saturday! I could have drawn line after line like this. I thought it would never end! A good thing for an artist at work!

Sometimes, I get inside peoples heads and "read" their thoughts!

Another prompt for EDiOctober: "Beached" I copied this off of a drawing done recently by Tommy Kane, one of my favorite teachers in Sketchbook Skool. He always gave us permission "to steal", so I felt okay stealing from him. He saw this on Facebook and left me a comment saying: "Damn good!"
Boy, did that ever make MY DAY!

As a marriage, family therapist I have actually had couples in trouble for this very problem. So it's no wonder it has finally shown up in my art! (I do NOT KNOW these people).

These young kids were oh so laid back! I am sure this is the way they were talking even though I couldn't hear them from my spot clear across the room!

Sometimes friendships are difficult! Modern technology doesn't exactly help either!

I figured she was doing some online shopping. When I posted it on Facebook there was all sorts of speculation as to what she was buying. Feel free to put your 2 cents worth into the conversation!

"Polaroid" was another prompt for EDiOctober. So I drew Mr. Land and his camera upgrade in '72.

Often times people come and go so quickly that I give first arrive-ers' new friends, even after they have left the territory!

See what I mean? Again, friendships are being given the short end of the stick to someone's
Virtual Reality Life!

And once again I draw half of a couple (woman in white) while she waited for her guy to come out of the restroom. I had hoped to draw him and his long ponytail  too, but they left immediately! Just grabbed their drinks and split the scene. So instead, I drew the gal in pink in a different part of the room. Why do women think it's okay to have their underwear showing under their shirts now? Am I just being OLD fashioned?

The prompt for today, Oct 7, was "Frida Kahlo". I drew two new ones. I have five I think all together now. Maybe I'll add a collage of them.
The one above is from her painting called "Roots" 1943. I loved the bright colors and imagery.

This is copied from her "Self Portrait With Monkey" 1945
It was fun doing it with black ink and black marker.
I enjoy drawing from one of the books I have of her art
called Frida Kahlo The Paintings Hayden Herrera 1991
HarperCollins Publishers

Wishing you a CREATIVE WEEK!

Thanks for stopping by. Your visits and comments keep me drawing!


  1. you are an amazing artist! I always enjoy your "sketches" and wish I could do your art style!

    1. Peggy that is such an affirming compliment! I thank you for it. I feel strongly that we each have our own styles, all equally wonderful!

  2. I agree with Peggy. I've wondered for quite some time HOW you sketch so fast. I try & end up with 1/2 a head or 1/2 a body when that person moves on.Grrr. You must be REALLY fast. AND I like your "Sketch People Comments" too. I can always imagine that people have more exciting lives than I have.
    Thanks for Grandma Nancy in central IL

    1. Thanks Grandma Nancy! That's why they call me Flash! It's just my style! But again, at Starbucks often people sit fairly still for long periods of time!

  3. OMGosh I love this story. . .your late Uncle Harry gave you a wonderful gift and keeps the tradition going. I always enjoy your drawings and your words. Blessings, Janet PPF

    1. Thanks J. Bitter sweet, yes! I'll do my best to keep the youngsters interest, but I'm not really all that well versed in Yiddish like Harry was. Glad you enjoy your visits here! I appreciate them!

  4. Wow Lynn, your work is always good but I really can see an evolvement here. Maybe that is not the right word. I don't want to say it's better because it has always been great but somehow it is better. Must be all the drawing you do. You're my Art heroine. To think when we met you were not even drawing then. How cool has this journey been.


    1. Thank you Kate. I know what you mean. This might sound nuts, but I am continually amazed by what I am doing! It just surprises me that all this is coming out of me, and yes, I remember just a few short years ago I didn't think/ know I could draw! Thanks!

  5. amazing drawing week as usual and I am sure that Tommy Kane will love your version... you inspire me with your ability to see so many things to draw in your life... love that

    1. Thanks Tracey! Tommy gave me a great compliment, he said "Damn good!" Made MY day!

  6. What a collection of great people! Love the one done from the Tommy Kane sketch.

  7. Lynn, what a feast for the eyes today! I loved all the references to modern technology in your drawings. I totally agree with you on the bras showing. I am old fashioned too because I think it looks downright tacky. I love reading your captions as well as looking at the sketches. Great post.

    1. Thanks Faye! It's fun sharing conversations of my characters. Glad you enjoy eavesdropping with me! 😀
      All totally from my imagination, of course!

  8. I'm always amazed at the detail you are able to capture in the sketches you do during your people watching sessions. I love you collection of Fridas. Blessings, my friend!

    1. Thanks Arnoldo. I often work on the details surrounding the people long after they've left the scene. But at Starbucks the sitting folks are sometimes there for long periods of time and I can take my time drawing them and their environs. Glad you like my Fridas too!

  9. Oh Wow! What a great fieldtrip I took coming here from Options for a Better World. You made my day!

  10. Oh Lynn, I love how you're adding conversations and thoughts to your drawings. So fun to read and imagine those people in real life :-)

  11. You are quite amazing! I had so much fun seeing and reading through your sketches. I wish I could be as prolific as you.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  12. Your Frida's are very unique and striking! Hey I think the gal shopping is buying baby Gap items...she's pregnant but hasn't told anyone yet...not even her cat. I also look forward to reading the dialogue you give people. Another wonderful art tour from you. So talented! Cheers-Darlene


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!