
Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Life and Times of Lynn Cohen This Week!

I'm slipping. There are only 18 drawings to post this week unlike my usual 20. The first one is a prompt from Every day in October: "Shelf Life" ... so I put myself on the shelf and chronicled my life for you!

Next prompt EDiO is "fear"! Guess what I am afraid of? (only when they are running around free inside my house!

An abundance of people to draw at Starbucks this week. Never a dull moment there, as you can see by all the brightly dressed models!

The staff, on the other hand, seems to limit their costumes to black and pink. I caught them here having a staff meeting at the long table at which we normally sit. They guy with his back to us used posters I saw him make there (and I drew him making them) a week or so ago. You might recall.

Next Prompt for EDiO was "Kawaii" which I learned is Japanese for 'cute'. I could have drawn a figure from the Kawaii series, but instead chose to draw our grand daughter, Allie, who had a cute cat painted face.

Saturday at Starbucks featured this family of three; and a lone guy who actually was with his family of two grown daughters. But I made a new family unit for them.

Same day I captured these folks. The guy in the red hat was with the woman at the same table. The other guy was clear across the room. But I like to play with art and made it look like he was eying the first guys woman. Oh, I am BAD!

These folks were oblivious to the carrying on at that other table! It's amazing to me how people can tune each other out and be in their own little worlds there.

Next prompt for EDiO was "Dog & Cat breeds". I drew my cat sitting on my lap with ball point pen and used a bit of markers to fill in the quilt.

Prompt was "Men's Wear". Well, my man wears boots. I grabbed one of them and drew it!

Prompt: "Native". An online friend, Denise Griffiths, posted some photos from her trip in Vancouver, British Columbia. I asked and got permission to draw from one of them. A figure from a totem she saw in an art gallery.

I used a pastel pencil for the hair that was life-like in the  photo. I like the textured look this pencil gave it here.

On Monday we drove into the City (San Francisco, California) where we stopped at the Warming Hut just next to the Golden Gate Bridge. It was a bright sunny, warm day. Everyone was OUT in it. This line was very much longer than you see here.

These are some more folks in the same line. Again it went on and on like this for quite a while. When I got ready to color this drawing I had remembered some of the colors, but I could not recall the lady in the green hat's pants color. So I turned to my right where I was sitting to look at the person next to me to see the color of her pants. Lo and behold, it was the very same woman in the green hat! She caught on to what I was doing and told me she liked my drawings. I thanked her and went on coloring (painting). When I was done she was still there so I showed it to her and told her I had drawn her too. She liked it even more then I think. I asked her to sign it, as proof we'd spoken, and she did! Great fun when that happens!

Guess what the next prompt was? If you guessed "Fruit" you are right! LOL

And then they moved on to "Outer Space" ... I was a bit at a loss for that one, but many people drew and painted some awesome skies and planets. Instead I did two, the first one, me from a distorted photo which I titled: "Spaced Out". The second from an old photo in a toy store where I tried on this space helmet! Did that one in ball point pen and gel pens.

And lastly, today, the 15th, I drew at Barnes & Noble CafĂ©. First these two guys sitting across the room from me, both busy on their computers ...  and next the young woman below also working or studying hard with a real time book, no technology in sight, but she does have those long cords coming out of her ears ... I don't know where her device was hidden. I sure didn't see it to draw it.

Well it was a busy week, as you can see, and a creative one. I hope yours was too! Be well, stay safe, and have as much fun as you possibly can. Each day is a gift! Enjoy it!
Thanks for stopping by,
I love your comments,
they keep


  1. Always so much fun seeing your art. There is character, insight and pure joy.

  2. Fun art again, looks like you had a great week. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks Valerie. Yes, another good week indeed!

  3. I am ALWAYS so very inspired by you, Lynn! Your wonderful art never disappoints...
    (Even if it is only 18 instead of 20 ;) lol )

    1. Thanks Kristin! LOL yes, I had to go out to draw this morning to make it to 18! Crazy, I know! Glad you like what you see here! Thanks again.

  4. My goodness! You always have so many lovely drawings and you inspire me! Well done this week!

    1. Thanks Helen! Happy to hear I can inspire another artist!

  5. Always such fun following your week! Love the boot and the space ones... I thought that was you as a space cadet!! So much fun...I am smiling ear to ear!!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Thanks, Giggles! Yes, that's me being silly and having fun in a toy store! Happy weekend!

  6. These are all wonderful and fascinating! Very much inspired!

    1. Thank you Abigail. Again, it warms my heart to think my art is inspiring others!

  7. I love the boot and the mask really is great. Wonderful seeing your week. Thanks for linking.



    1. Thanks Kate! Thanks for the opportunity to link through your blog.

  8. I love your idea of a timeline and I'm totally gonna make one of my own. It is brilliant work

  9. Some of your sketches for the prompts made me smile. I love how you move the people around in Starbucks...that way they get new friends. lol

  10. Fun to read about your folks and cafes again and I love your shoe! (Your man's shoe that is) Fabulous painted!

    1. Thanks V. The cafe people love that you like them! Husband's boot was fun to paint and draw!

  11. Oh you've been active again. I'm lucky if I have time to draw/paint one thing in a week - I'm too busy doing other things...right now organizing summer-winter clothes etc., soon raking again...
    Have a great week!

    1. Drawing is my elixir, my meditation, relaxation! I need it to stay well! Cleaning house doesn't do that for me!
      Thanks for coming by!

  12. Wonderful collection of art! You make Starbucks much more interesting than I ever found it. Great boot.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment.

    1. You're welcome, Indira! Thanks for coming here to see my work too. Yes, I find Starbucks to be filled with interesting characters to draw every week! I never tire of it.

  13. The Starbucks staff in those pinks and blacks wins the blue ribbon for me. I can't believe what you accomplish every day and yet you say you don't know what you'll do when you retire...more of these fantastic drawings. Wow, you inspire me to get out there and draw more. Cheers-Darlene

  14. I love seeing your journey of art in real life. How amazing you are!


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!