
Friday, April 25, 2008

Henry Says Hi and Look at What I bought from SukiPoet

Henry comes in to say hellow, as it's been a while;

Cousin Judy gave me the above succulent a while ago and it is now blooming:

My first bearded iris blooming this year. When enlarged I see a camels head/face. Do you?

And do you see how the yellows and purples of the flowers come out in this outstanding piece I purchased from our own Suki Poet: Remember to double click to enlarge the photos to see the details. Suki, this reminds me of an ark of the covenant, that holds the holy Torah in our temple. And the wisps of threads that sweep across it remind me of the tassels on our prayer shawls, tallet.
I am so happy to have this piece of wonderful art of yours called Housekeeper's Shield in my home. It came to me from New Zealand where it was in a museum show.


  1. Love Henry. What a cute pose. He reminds me of my Nikki. :)
    Love the flowers too. I cant wait for our neighbors Iris' to bloom. We get to see them too. :) And Suki's art piece is awesome framed. It has almost be around the world now. :)

  2. Ah Lynn, the pictures of the flowers are beautiful (for me, who is still stranded under snow). And, thank you for satisfying my curiosity... I had seen your words on Suki's blog about a piece of art that you bought from her ... and now I get to see it. Lovely piece! So neat to hear your thoughts on what it reminds YOU of ...

  3. yes it does look like an ark of the covenant, you're right. it's lovely suki. i met mim last night and it was great, she's everything i ever imagined her to be and far more. hugs and wfs

  4. I'm glad you all enjoyed the flowers, Henry, and seeing Suki's art on my blog.

    FY: I love it when Bloggers meet in person! How great that Mim came to visit. I'd love to be able one day to meet all of my blog friends!
    (This summer I plan on meeting two! A surprise to look forward to, and will tell who then! Tee hee.)

  5. Iris in spring

    Colors forming
    Laughing dancing
    Eyes wide open

    Delicate petals
    Open calling
    Kiss the wind

    Hidden deep
    Inside I gaze
    With longing

    Knowing full well
    They will break
    My heart

    Still I would
    Look upon them
    Once more

    And hopefully not
    For the last time
    Not yet…

  6. Henry is looking decidedly plump.

    Flowers are gorgeous. Colors so delicate.

    Oh Lynn you are too kind about my collage. It is amazing to think of its travels. I'm so glad you enjoy it and I love reading that it reminds you of the Arc of the Covenant. Thanks again, my dear. And it would be fun to meet all the blogmates. I bet Cris is one of the blogmates your meeting.

  7. I bet the other is Judy Wise. Do I win a prize for guessing right????

  8. ;-) Suki you are wanting me to tell before it happens. I'll just say I'd love to meet Judy Wise but she was not in the plan, although we will be traveling through Oregon on the way home. Want to meet us in Minnesota? Michigan?

  9. Bob, another wonderful poem brought out by beautiful flowers. So glad they inspire!
    Thank you from one flower child to another! ;-)

  10. Henry, you look like you've put on weight! Thanks for your message, Lynn. I find myself miss blogging already! But it felt like time to stop and to translate that energy in other ways - to focus on my novel for example. Maybe one day I'll start back blogging and perhaps in a different way. Not sure yet. But for now, will check in every now and then and see how you all are going. I am still reachable if you ever feel like dropping a line. Take care. Elspeth

  11. What a gorgious cat! And Suki's work is just lovely as always!
    You have a nice blog with beautiful pictures


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!