
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blooming Tuesday Grows an African Tree

I made this piece on Sunday last trying to get myself out of grand kid-withdrawal. Something that happens to me when I haven't seen them in a while, then do have wonderful time with them, and then go home without knowing when my next visit will be. I go into a funk. Nice to know I can get lost in creativity in spite of the mood I put myself into. Silly me! African tree The tree top is a machine felted piece using scraps from dyed dryer sheet, my nest of threads, dryer lint (yes, I’ve heard others using it and had to try it, as disgusting as it sounded to me); the beads and gold and wooden leaves on tree and around the piece are from one of my recent garage sale necklace finds; the zebra and cotton African print backing (not shown) is from a yard of material from another garage sale; the piece is on orange and brown felt, hand embroidered and beaded, top sewn free motion quilted and trimmed in upholstery trim from the fabric store. I enjoyed the amount of hand work that went into this piece. I have discovered the relaxing joy of beading and embroidering pieces since making Living Green, the large woven piece made last.

Trying to show lots of close up details here. The tree actually shines but camera refused to capture that.

two wooden leaves and two gold metal leaves
Lots of little stitches in turquoise embroidery floss
and a thicker floss in gold around the outer edge of orange felt
The Whole Piece in all its Glory!
13" X 13"


  1. What a beautiful piece Lynn. I admire your patience for hand sewing. For any sewing for that matter. What comes from your hands is brilliant.

  2. Wow, you are a master of these beautifully creative sewn things. Dryer lint?! Now that is recycling at its finest!!

  3. Really beautiful!
    I see you are so creative & playful having fun with this piece:)

  4. This is awesome. I bet its even better in person since we cant see the shinny tree. I love how you are recycling materials into lovely works of art. This should go into a show soon.

  5. so beautiful, and your post touched my heart grannie lynnie, i can just imagine how you must feel leaving them behind. how far away do they live? here is a huge hug from grandie joss for you on bt.

  6. Lisa, thank you. Glad you like it.
    ;-) It was relaxing and calming to make this one.

    Teri C. You say the nicest things.
    I know, isn't the dryer lint a hoot though?

    Yoon See, thanks too.

    Cris...right now it's on show in my living room where I can see it!

    SB: Thanks Grandie for your deep understanding! ;-)

  7. Wonderful piece Lynn!
    So sorry you had to say goodbye to your grandkids...I don´t like goodbye´s at all!!!
    Hope you will see them soon again

  8. beautiful and inventive using so many different materials. i like the way the orange part is not laid on straight. natalya uses both dryer sheet s and lint. sorry abt the funk. transitions from one thing to another. sometimes they are hard.

  9. Lynn,
    This is so pretty! Dryer lint...hmmm. I like the idea.

  10. Diane, thanks. ;-)
    Suki, thanks for your understanding and glad you like my slanted work! Me too.
    Marianne, thanks, and I might just see them this Saturday again.


Thanks for leaving your comments as I love hearing from you. Your words of encouragement are why I continue to draw!